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Posts posted by klatuveradanikto

  1. Thats really how i see it ,if i had'nt been made aware of the issue i would never of know about it ,any way even with a crimp if someone wanted to change

    the capacity of the mag it really is'nt a difficult job, crimp or no crimp ,but now the issue has been raised it really has to be resolved permanently as i may never be able to sell if i accept the gun and my local police are happy with it as it is.

  2. hi.

    Seemes to me you intended to buy a section 2 firearm and approached the seller in this way. If the gun has to be changed to meet the spec you intended to buy then the seller should not have sold it to you as a section 2 if there was ANY possibility it was a grey gun he must have known about this.

    I would ask the police to confirm this for you and seek a refund. If the guy gets awkward you should refer him to the police for breaking the law in selling you a grey gun without the proper procedure for a section 1 firearm, if it proves to be necessary to change the gun to meet section 2 requirements then it must have been known it was potentially a section 1.

    Are you a member of BASC?

    If so seek their advice. In my humble view you should get all your cash back as you sought to purchase in good faith.

    best of luck

    HI Kes waiting for a phone call tomorrow now from my local dealer who has the gun he is going to talk with the police and see where we go from there would you know if crimping is the standard for restricting mag tubes or is plugging and glueing a reasonable method of acheiving the same within the law

    not a member of BASC

  3. Hi Chaps, got a problem this evening when i went to collect a Browning Gold semi auto that i purchased yesterday and got delivered via R.F.D network. When going through the strip down procedure for the gun it was noted that the magazine was not :crimped or proofed: however it has been plugged and glued ,i was told that due to the lack of proof mark and crimping on the mag tube i could not have the gun till confirmation of it's legality as a section 2 was resolved . So a phone call to the dealer in Bucks was made and they said they would get in touch with Browning to confirm it was and always has been a section 2 gun ,my RFD said it needed to clear the status of the gun with Cheshire police and a option of having the gun proofed and crimped is there however at a cost to me (not happy) So i'm left with a grey gun with unknown legality 375 out of pocket although i will seek a full refund should the whole thing become to tricky to deal with. My question is what makes a mag thats been plugged and glued to section 2 requirements presumably since new now subject to investigation should the dealer of been aware of this potential problem ,confused piggy in the middle .

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