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Everything posted by jfgpm

  1. Definitly ! So they were able to help at the next morning and know for the futur how to do this. There are too many out there who don't read instructions carefully, go out make things worse with their half knowledge (pattern, hide, camouflage...) teach crows a lesson and complain afterwards that this kind of hunting ist **** because it didn't work. at the moment we are setting up a crow wiki where everything which is importand can be found. Unfortunately we don't have too much time to work on it. There was also a a 6 pages article in a well known hunting journal. Here are some more photos http://www.wildundhund.de/438,6471/ Best is: It was a really good add and now it is a fast selling item (not sure if this is the correct expression). This year to of the hunters organized also such a hunt, next year in Feb. there will be another on and in August 2011 there will be the next really big on (At the moment 30 hunters signed in. Lets see how it will be) Here are some more pictures: FKJ Crow Hunt 2010 1.0
  2. Not to open a new topic I would like to ask you some questions about flappers (if this ain't ok to use this thread pleas let me know). I read most of the threads about flappers now and would like to know: 1. Which flapper is more up to date (effectiv), the mechanic ones (little motor with eccentric tappet) or the newer version (I think a combi of springs and magnets) ? Thought of, that last ones are faster and not so inert. 2. Which flapper would you recommend: Westcountry Flapper Sponsor's flapper 1 Sponsor's flapper 2 Well the next two ones seemed to be band by the system. Is it forbidden to link products of other sites / competitors ? [links removed] Anyone knows this one ? Hubertus Fieldsports Flapper And then I read about an M44 but couldn't find a webside, as well as about a flapper of a band member who has been band. Can't remeber the name. His avatar was a rangrover (I think) 3. I would prefer a remote control (which I would add on the gun) or a timer 4. Is there any other flapper on the market at which the flapping speed can be controlled ? Thanks a lot
  3. Did you had problems with the lambs and crows ? I heard about that they sometimes attack them especially the weakest spots like eyes ... Is that really true ? What are twisty Bs ? Oh yes, but lot of are still waiting for us
  4. Hi, I explored some crow threads in here. Because my contribution in the section "pigeon" will be very little (lack of birds, at the moment little knowledge ) and at the moment just asking questions I would like to tell a small story about a fantastic hunting weekend this year. I also write in another forum in Germany (www.wildundhund.de/forum). In the last few years crow hunting became quite popular in Germany and especially in this forum. Threads with over 100 pages are usual in the last years. That crow hunting community (recently called crowboys) is a very friendly and relaxed bunch of blokes. No hunting envy, no silly discussions , always very helpful… To cut a long story short: I organized hunting areas and invited them to come. We wanted to get to know each other, hunt together and I had the ambition to force the crow hunting in our area. (we had been the only ones for years!) So we met at the end of July. 15 of the 45 known crow hunters found their way from all over Germany to our region. Our camp was an old barn in a small village near to the hunting grounds. There were three hunts. Saturday morning (4 to 9), Saturday at lunchtime a small magpie hunt from 2 to 5, Saturday evening(7 to 11) and Sunday morning (4 to 9). Friday evening we had a small get to gather meeting where local hunters could talk to the guests. One of my mates was so kind to give a small lecture in crow hunting for the newbies. After that the guests checked out the fields where to hunt with the locals. The night was quite short. We chatted until dawn. Unfortunately it rained the whole night and nearly the whole morning. From 4-9 o'clock we measured 32 liters. At 3:30 the guests started with their equipment to meet the locals in the fields. After every hunt we gathered at the barn eat something and changed the hunting area. After 24 hours, 3 crow hunts and on magpie hunt, nearly no sleep we got 316 crows 12 magpies and 8 jaybirds. Here are some impressions of that weekend These guys drove all the way down from northern Germany. 8 Hours driving in this packed up car. The third person had 5 decoys on his lab because there was no other space left 101 lesson for newbies in crow hunting As I said, it raind cats and dogs... and it was terrible cold especially because some of us had no rain protection Our pattern My hide (side view) After the first hunt Two patterns from the evening hunt: And the escaping crows out of this area. Unfortunately we had not enough people to "beat" them back into the hunting area where the different hides were. Ah, in every hunting place was on or two hides. Some of us were so exausted that they didn't join us while we sat down and drink something (I think it was about 3 in the morning) Next morning beautiful sunshine but less crows so he decided to have a short cnap (well maybe there had been crows, but ...) When I am a grown up I will hunt my one crows and finally the guest hunters with one or two locals The pictures aren't so beautiful, but I had to select the anonym ones. Don't wanna get one of the hunters in trouble. Hope you enjoyed the short story.
  5. Hi, thank you. all right. After reading in two diefferent sections of bouncer and floater I was a bit So I have to watch out for those nice pieces. Thank you. Perfect. That was the answer I wish to hear When you say at the very front you place it still in the pattern but more or less pretty close to the peak of the V or the bottem of the you, right ? I red lots about that decoy. Sounds and looks really nice. Thanks for the link and the tip with the discount. Also noticed that. But to me it is at the moment not that interesting to buy equipment in GB because of the exchange, the shipping costs and the custom fee. Since some years hunting with decoys becomes more and more popular, but we still haven't your total variety of products. For example in Germany the only shop which sells something like the Hypa is this one: German Style of the Hypa Flap The Hypa looks the same like in your mentioned shop, but on the youtube videos they look pretty different. Are there differences ? (the head looks different) Thanks a lot !
  6. Hi, as I already told I am a newby and looking for a nice set of equipment. A magnet is at the moment not affordable so I stick to bouncers, floaters, eezzers and maybe a flapper. I searched in the PW for those things and read most of the threads. At the end I thought I understand everything. When I googled some online shops I saw adds for floaters and bouncers in the same store. I thought they are one and the same, with slight differences in the construction and the materials. But in that add it seems that floaters are much more solid and less flexible than bouncers. Do they have different jobs ? Work in a different way ? ... Please help me out with this. Another question: To get more movement into the pattern I would like to order some eezzers (bird and spring). At what wind strength do they start to move ? As I read most of you think that the Air Pros aren't worth their money. Is that right ? Unfortunately we normally have no or very calm wind in our region. So floaters, bouncers and eezzers would be "out of order". So flappers, magnets are left (did I forgot a product ?) A magnet is at the moment no choice. Maybe I'll build this machine one day. So I searched for the flapper and I was quite astonished. Especially in one thread some of you recommended the flapper as a more "have to have" part than a magnet. That sounds quite strange to me because the magnet is really well known. Much more than the flapper (at least in Germany) Is a flapper really so good and helpful ? Last but not least the decoys: I am going to order some fullbodies and some shells. What number is sufficient for a decent pattern ? Unfortunately I am only allowed to hunt until november to late winter. Most of the pigeons will be gone at that time. I read, that pigeon hunting during winter isn't that easy. (does this effect the number of decoys like: In the winter the more the better ...) In north Germany some hunters only use 10 decoys. Others told me that 20 would be the minimum. Am I right that a flapper will be integrated in one of the branches of the V or U pattern and the floaters/bouncers more at the end of the branches to on outer side (like simulating incoming birds)? Thanks a lot for your help. Cheers
  7. That is a very nice expression. Down here you will hardly find such a phrase because we are hunters and hunters are always very serious because they kill creatures ;-) Ah ok. Thank you. Your translation algorithm works very good ! Incredible what is possible today. I am still reading the interesting threads here . After that I will have one or two questions Hey, Weidmannsheil. All right. Hi
  8. Perfect German ! But I am not quite sure what you would like to express. What you hav written means: Could also be found in this post. "Good hunting" is known by me, but I was curiouse if there is another expression like teh German frase. Thanks a lot. I see. Everyday one or two new words and in ten years of writing here I am a native speaker Hope you enjoyed your time down here and had some nice hunting days. @ All: I am exploring the PW forum technik step by step and I have to say: IT IS BRILLIANT ! Connecting youtube videos, the "+quote" button and and and. Excellent
  9. Ok, thanks for the lesson
  10. Thank you for the invitation ! Before I will come to England I still have to train shooting a lot. Crows are compared to pigeons quite easy to shoot. When I read that 1:3 shooting ratios is getting "harsh critics" .... I am on my way to the clay shooting area Best regards an always a got shot (how do you wish eachother a pleasent hunt ?)
  11. Wow, just a few hours and already lots of nice words of welcome Thanks a lot And be sure my questions will come At the moment I am just checking out the search and the in the first row for me interesting threads. Don't wanna bother you with 101 questions which has been answered a thousand times.
  12. Hi, may I introduce myself. I am from south Germany. The hunting ground were we are allowed to go out is about 430 ha (1 hectare = 2.47105381 acres). Beside some roe deer we have little ducks, little grey partridges (not the redleg ones), crows, occasionally some pigeons, lots of foxes, martens, every year one or two badgers and little numbers of hares. I "specialized" on foxes, crows and all kind of calling. This year I'll start duck hunting (with decoys) what is not very common in Germany (it is catching up at the moment) and now I am preparing for some pigeon hunting. Thats why I found my way here. The problem, or the adventure is that "our" pigeons trek with the season. During summertimes we have quite a few, but we are not allowed to shoot them. In November when they are open most of them are gone to Spain or north Germany. To tell the truth: It is totally nonsense to try pigeon hunting using decoys because there will never be a god return on invest (numbers of birds). But the way of hunting is fascinating me. It all started with some youtube videos and the similar crow hunting sessions. I shoot every year about 130-150 crows (could be much more if there would be enough time). Recently I organized a big crowhunt in our region. 15 crow hunters from all over Germany met at on weekend and hunted with the landlords in three hunts (morning evening morning). Because of heavy rainfall and some unsteady crows (it was harvesting time and they didn't use their flyways) we shot "only" 316 crows. For the average hunter in Germany a unbelievable number. Most of them have never tried before hunting with the friendly pattern. Unfortunately it is the same with hunting pigeons by using decoys. Up in the north and west it is more common, but in our region absolutely no one who has a clue about it. I read some threads in German hunting forums, a book of archey coats and here some lines. But there are still some questions open (especially equipment and DIY). I'll hope you can help me out . Thanks for registration and Weidmannsheil (means in German good hunting) Jules
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