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Posts posted by ryle

  1. 5 minutes ago, Genghis said:

    A Benelli M3 is around £2000. Maybe I should have just said I wouldn’t advise buying any ‘new’ pump action.


    This is a good topic of discussion. Around 10 people die a year from dog attacks (across all breeds). I don’t know what the figure is for deaths involving licensed firearms as the figure gets lumped in together with illegally firearms, but I’d wager it’s much lower than 10. The point to consider in my opinion, is that more people like dogs than guns. A lot of people out there are quite willing to ban things that they don’t like on a personal level, statistics be damned.

    To add to my previous point then, theres roughly 100,000 XL Bullies at most. Those 16 deaths are in about 3 years. There's probably about at least 5 times as many legally held guns. The hoops we have to jump through in order to own guns are rather tough. (Of which I personally mostly happily agree with) A human bieng can be vetted and checked whilst a dog cannot. These things can end up loose in public places too as weve seen. I am in no way complaining about these dogs and am pretty neutral on the matter, my point is there are clearly more dangerous things out there than responsible gun owners. Hopefully common sense prevails and this topic is dealt with first before attacking shooters that already, as a community  have a very good record for safety in my opinion. Hopefully the Olympics is as ever a good positive image for our sport this year 

  2. 20 minutes ago, Genghis said:

    If any kind of significant shooting incident happens with Labour in power then we’ll see exactly how much influence the likes of Luke Pollard have. I would strongly recommend that nobody spends much money on a new pump action shotgun.

    I agree with you for sure but if we take a look at XL Bullies for example, 16 people have unfortunately lost thier lives to these dogs in just a few years. Obviously in the last several decades deaths with legally held guns are rare. I personally think the Bully topic will take priority... at least to begin with, but then what do I know...

  3. 5 hours ago, London Best said:

    A few years back a friend of mine found a roe carcass which had been carried up a tree and wedged on a branch. Classic leopard behaviour.

    I did the same. Found a roe on the floor one day in one of my drives then the next day it had been moved into a tree union around 1.5m above ground. It had been nibbled round its lower jaw to begin with then finished off elsewhere. I don't have the photos any more as they're on a dead hard drive. This was in south west scotland around 2009

  4. I can relate to this. Ive grown up in a household that was always struggling for money. Through hard work and bieng a tight bum I bought my first home at age 25 in about 2014. Id paid near half the purchase price off as deposit. Ive never had a really well paid job either. Ive just always wanted peace of mind, to know that if things got expensive, id be ok. I well overpaid my mortgage until I only had about 10k left. This was well timed as things went ever more expensive. 

    You certainly cant take money with you, and yes you do need to enjoy your life, however I believe if you are frugal, life is alot less stressful.

  5. Ive attended a few shoots recently now where I know only few, if any faces

    Ive found its really helped, infact I feel as i did when i first started shooting many years ago i.e no pressure. Even though as i said ive never had pressure from others, its something i end up doing to myself. 

  6. Thanks for the input guys.

    Its such a mind game. As you say, when im with strangers, it doesnt bother me. Hell, 70-80% of the time it doesnt bother me.... its just when it does, it does!

    The point to me rambling has kinda been answered, its nice to see other people who have this issue from time to time. 

    I know of the odd person who can suffer with not bieng able to pull the trigger too. I know of people who've had guns modified so the triggers work differently to combat it. 

    I'll be going somewhere where I dont know anyone this weekend coming and I'll most probably do better as a result, but its nice to see familiar faces for a chat too! 

    Next time im in that situation, I'll take on the advice and really try to relax :)

    cheers guys

  7. Ive always shot sporting. Usually at the smaller clubs, and usually at around a B class. Im no absolute hot shot, and already know i never will be, i dont care either because i just love getting out on a sunday morning! Thats not why I do it. Im not a naturally competitive person... unless i think i can win ha ha :p

    A good average score for me personally would often be around 75% with my best scores reaching 82% ish.

    The group i shot with yesterday are great guys. There's no pressure, no bad vibes, nothing like that. Thats why I find it so strange i know its the head, but I suppose like going to the dentist for some people, its just silly nerves. 

    I have no idea why its there. I can remember 10-12 years ago bieng behind a chap who appeared to be looking in a similar state. I remember thinking the exact same thing as you guys "what the hells he looking worried about" 

    Its all in your head I know ha ha! But its hard to switch off :)

  8. Here's a strange one.

    Today I shot with a few friends at clays. After recently getting back into the sport after a 7 or 8 year break I have been mainly going with one friend of mine. He is a novice shot and we have a good laugh. 

    I have been largely happy with my scores after returning to the sport with the odd tricky stand here and there letting me down little but nothing major.

    I always used to get a little nervous when i went shooting for the first stand. I usually subsided after the first stand or even first few pairs. Id find myself literally shaking as i mount the gun and shaking as i pop cartridges in. 

    Today as i said i shot with a few friends, these are chaps i used to shoot with regularly but have not shot with for years.

    I found myself uncontrollably nervous for the first 3/4 of the shoot. My shooting was terrible, the nerves causing me to clench up, miss, and pull the trigger when the gun wasnt even pointing anywhere near where its needed. 

    Has anyone else ever suffered with this? I find it really strange as im not a nervous person. You can drop me in an unfamiliar place with strange faces and its no deal to me. Hell, I'll happily stand infront of a room full of people and waffle on as i am now! 

    This only happens when im around people I know and have shot with previously, its like a feeling of expectation to perform to a certain standard... and that just messes my head up! If i shoot somewhere where i dont recognise anybody or with just one other shooter, this just doesn't happen.

    Hats off to people who perform at high levels and manage to deal with the pressures!

  9. Hey there, I'm wondering if any of you fine people have experienced this from browning recently.

    I bought a new 525 about 3 weeks ago, 30" sporter. After cleaning my gun today, looking down the tubes then popping it into my shoulder, I felt there was something off.

    Now I'm not in possession of eyes like the james webb telescope but I believe that the rib is bent left. 

    It's quite clear the end bead is off left by a millimeter or so too, im unable to tell if the barrel is bent left too.

    The interesting thing is I've a friend who has also recently bought a 525 new about 3-4 months ago, also in 30" sporter. He too has had it checked by a gunsmith to find its bent too the left. 

    Has anyone else heard of this mentioned lately?

    ----I'll attach a pic, its obvious difficult to photograph this detail, but it shows the issue a little bit---


  10. Up for sale is my PW 375 duomatic. Its being sold as I bought it but haven't really used it and I will shortly need some 'new house' furniture.


    This is for 12b and comes with 2 1/2" and 2 3/4" dies. It also has the little box to catch your primers too.


    I'll have some other bits to throw in too,


    (Im rougly guessing the figures)


    1150 winchester primers.

    One or two different powder bushes

    2kg of #9 shot

    1/2kg of #6 shot

    1/4kg of #7 (i think) shot


    £150 collected from Winsford, Cheshire.

  11. It pains me to do this but with a house purchase and move imminent, I am having to re home my dog.


    He is a 5 1/2 year old KC registered choccy lab of the more chunky show type.


    I have used him as my gundog for the last few seasons and find I enjoy working him more than the shooting itself. He has a great temperament and quiet nature. I feel he is most suitable for a family without children, I know he would not snap at them, its just he isn't a pup and has never been round children before.


    I will describe him as 'part trained' as i dont think a dog can be described as fully trained, its an ongoing venture in my opinion. I'll answer any questions via pm and email photos to interested non time wasting people only.


    I'm after £300. Serious individuals only: please pm me.



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