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Everything posted by PredatorPCS

  1. Thanks Dan, I picked the gun up this morning. It is in good condition & my grandson loves it. Cheers, Tony
  2. Hi, Danimal I,m interested in buying your 9mm garden gun if it is in good condition. I,m not to far from Bristol, I,m in Cardiff. PM with your phone number & we can arrange a time,date & place to meet. Cheers
  3. CharlieT I think you hit the nail squarely on the head. Cheers.
  4. Luckyshot, if you bother to read my post correctly you will realise that it is what I said, that I have got a open FAC & I can prove I need the firearm. THEY CAN NOT REFUSE YOU, IT IS YOUR RIGHT. It seems to me you have NO experience in owning this type of firearm.
  5. I am also a full time pest controller & I have a .410 shot pistol, which I use for despatching trapped pests & vermin etc, but it also states on my FAC I can shoot vermin in & around buildings, which I was doing on the weekend, shooting rats up a tree which had taken refuge from the dogs while we were smoking them out. I have an open FAC, plus I have SGC with a few .410 shotguns on it, one with a moderator on. These .410 shot pistol are not much use beyond five metres, as the spread of the shot is too great for any accuratecy. If you have a FAC & you have a good reason to own a .410 shot pistol, they cannot refuse you, it is your right. When I first applied for mine a few years ago, the FLO tried to persuede me to have a .22rf pistol instead, saying the Police armourer reccommend that I had it. But I refused & stuck to my guns (no pun intended) saying it is safer to use a .410 shot pistol than a .22rf pistol & how many trapped foxes do the armourer shoot, the FLO said fair comment. Within two weeks I had the go ahead to purchase a .410 shot pistol.
  6. I find using a rifle & shotgun combination for lamping extremely effective if you pick the correct weapons. I like to use my .17 HMR with a moderator & a fully moderated 20g shotgun. But being a professional pest controller probably my first control method would be long netting, but it depends on the lay of the ground or livestock etc. Sometimes having a good Lurcher can put more in the bag than any gun. Using a vehicle for lamping has its merits, but you cannot use even the best 4 x 4 thoughout the British winter without getting stuck or churning up the farmers fields.
  7. Is the gun still for sale ? If so, what make ? what barrel length ? & what action ? i.e. hammer / bolt-action etc. I am intested in buying a nice garden gun, & I'm only about twenty miles from Bridgend.
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