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Posts posted by nbd1

  1. Without getting involved in a slanging match, i have never bought from the sponser in question and do not know him personally that is not to say i will not buy from him in the future.


    I hope you are able to resolve your problems with him and if the person on the phone is rude to you again ask to speak with the boss because one thing for sure he will remember you now.




  2. If you spoke to the guy on the phone with the same attitude you have in your e-mails no wonder he told you to get of your high horse.


    No product has a 100% success rate and occasionally things are not right but normally a polite phone call will sort most things out. Why would any sponser on this site mess us about deliberately he would soon lose all the business that he could expect to gain.


    Give them a far chance to solve your issues before complaining on here and if they dont solve them to your satisfaction then we would be interested.



  3. I am not joining in to knock the BASC who i feel do a great job but surely having articles on "game to eat" in the shooting times is preaching to the converted. Editorial and recipies would convert more people if they were in the sunday magasines and supermarkets own publications.



  4. My personal choice is barbour everytime i know they are expensive but i still use a barbour i bought 16 years ago, I agree they are a little noisy compared to many of the new materials available. A lot has to depend on what u will use it for but a Barbour will work just as well in a beaters trailer or on the gun wagon.



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