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Posts posted by Durham-laddie

  1. The merger between the BTP, VOSA and Highways Agency is now being discussed.


    That will ruffle a few feathers, in all likely hood it will create a national transport police force....it's how all the americian and german traffic patrols started.


    The house of lords seem to be impressed at the idea / cost saving.

  2. Any report of persons armed or appears to be armed will be checked into.


    You will then find yourself really popular very quickly.


    Your under no obligation to advise your relevant force, but nothing ruins your night / day than an ARV with lights and whelps going :yes:

  3. Definitely worth it if you've got fields near you (remember you have to reccie them before you shoot them - if you want to give yourself the best chance of having a good day that is). Taking away the hassle of knocking on dozens of farmers doors or dealing with other people who might not like you shooting on 'their' patch etc is well worth £125 imo


    I was a member but the fields kept moving further and further south until it got to the point that i couldn't afford the time or petrol so i didn't renew.




    Know what you mean, the closest is Middleton Tyas, I work near scotch corner and all my land I use is a little bit further on.




    Can understand folks that live further a field, it's a bit far to travel :o


    On the whole I find the club spot on, and not bad on the wallet for a whole year.


    Makes a change from bunny bashing !

  4. It seems the other way up 'norf, there are quite a few at the moment


    Finally got my SGC, had my firearms for a good few years.....but I don't have the time.


    Lost a farm a few months ago as I didnt have the time to shoot, when I went to see the damage they caused I could understand why

  5. Thanks for replies chaps, very useful info. Any of you N Ireland lads know how long the FAC variation normally takes?


    Drop them an e-mail:- firearms@psni.pnn.police.uk , they will be able to let you know the timescales.


    A major re-organisation is taking place at the moment, however, this will not impeed your application :D

  6. I have a Mk3 Super Ten BB in .22, left handed and can get about 200 shots from a full refill on the 232 bar buddy bottle, the .177 version is around 160.


    Rapid 7


    Mk1 .177 200 shots

    Mk2 .177 220 shots all from a 200 bar buddy bottle


    If a Rapid 7 was available in a left hooker at the time of buying the super ten, the Rapid would of been top choice.


    Had one before and also one in FAC, wish I never sold them on.


    As for the range, well, that down to your own skill :P

  7. I'm always around the A1 normally, see quite a few knocking about, more so down near Junction 49 (either side)...might try a day down there.


    One of my permissions is at Leeming Bar, only rabbits, fox's and a few deer (now and again)..the land runs along side the A1 and they never seem to get spooked....only if you go lamping, weird when cars run up and down all night !

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