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Posts posted by cloudwalker

  1. I have had both extremes this week.


    On Wednesday shot a field of very low rape, less than 4 inches high. Got on the flight line and the birds decoyed brilliantly. Picked up 79 woodies at the end of the day.


    Went out again yesterday to some other permissions and couldn't find a Pigeon anywhere. Moved twice. Ended up with 1 shot and one Pigeon. Drove round for miles but couldn't find more than a dozen feeding. This is on ground where a few weeks ago there were literally thousands.


    I have also noticed, in the late afternoons large numbers of pigeon feeding on clover in amongst grazing livestock.

  2. It's been a tough Winter, I have the worst season for many years.

    1000's of pigeon about but I just couldn't get a decent bag.

    7.00am starts both Saturday and Sunday but only managing a dozen or so, sometimes only three ;)


    Got two weeks off but the Rape is running up around here so didn't rate my chances :/

    Saw about 100 on one of my fields. Managed to find a low patch of Rape so set up there.

    Well couldn't believe it -suicidal Pigeon for the first 3 hours :lol:


    Packed up at 5.00pm picked up 134 empty shells and 75 Woodies :D

    Not a record bag I know but a good day after what I have been having.


    So chaps stick with it :lol: :lol:

  3. Sparrow Hawk strikes again by the sound of it :lol:


    I had a similar experience last year.


    Shot a pigeon and it landed in the next field. Unfortunately I had only pricked it and it was flapping around.

    As I clambered over the gate to get to it, down came A Sparrow Hawk and started to pluck the poor Pigeon alive :yes:


    I got within 10 foot before it flew off and I could finish off the Woodie.

  4. Have been out over various farms in Northants/beds in the past few weeks, 1000's of Pigeon about but wouldn't decoy :lol:

    I was hoping that once the flocks had broken up we would be in for some good days :hmm:

    But on most places we have been shooting on the vast nnumbers have just vanished :good:

    I was reading another thread and 1000's seem to have turned up up Norfolk.

    Are these birds from Europe heading back for the breeding season :rolleyes:

    Has any other Midland shooters noticed the same?

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