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Everything posted by *danny*

  1. at work t'other day minding my own business a small bird swooped past my head a mere inches away followed by some bird of prey - took me by suprise - the little bird was weaving all over the yard and this hawk (well i dont know what it was it was travelling so fast) was right on it's back - was like a ww1 dog fight not sure how it resulted as they flew over into woodland and i lost them. amazing watching nature like that
  2. have a search on ebay you can buy the lasers seperately - i tooo have been looking at these set-ups but did wonder what sort of light those small lamps put out and how effective they actually were. laser's seem genius - just point and shoot as fast as you like
  3. IMO theres nothing better than a good days ferreting
  4. your diesel your time your bacon and tea AND free meat for the pot, plus the opportunity of a good days huntin' Bargain
  5. personally I think ALL the MPs lie through their back teeth to get in power then once they are in power dont hold to what they said they were going to do, so whats the point in voting? David Camerons policies were always about the rich getting fatter and the poor going without - people still voted him and now they just moan? I really dont understand politics, would be nice to vote for somebody that will make a difference to this country but how do you trust any of them?
  6. when they were NTL they were great - when they switched to virgin absolute rubbish never plugged a phone in as we dont wish to use it - but the bill comes with numbers that weve apparently called??? they will tell you your one of their best customers and to reward you they would like to give you a month of free XL tv package. even when you cancel the package before the free month is up - they then try to charge you for the free tv fiber optic superspeed is all a load of lies - ive know quicker dial up sometimes. if they think they can scam a bit of cash from you they WILL, their sales people are pushy if you do need the sales team - you WILL go through to a UK call center - if you need technical you WILL be put through to some half witt in india that isnt fluent in english and whos vocabulary stretches to yes or no answers and after hour long calls they will tell you to reset your box and problem be fixed!
  7. smk as far as i know are now using parts from english gunsmiths apparently
  8. leaflet distribution isnt cold calling, an INVATATION is not a crime. the old lady asked for a service so where is the crime? do Plod turn up when you have your sky installed, do they tell the plumber to get lost when he turns up to a job? the thing with the police these days is they are all arrogant and think they are above the law. they have forgotten that they are there to serve and protect us. theyre an elite force with permission to assault murder and thieve from us. they all strike me as the type of person that was bullied as a child and joined the force to seek revenge for their cruel childhood and gain power cant seee that your friend has done anything wrong but theres not much you can do about it other than move on and use it as a lesson learned - make a complaint and theyll probably look into your background do extensive research and make a note till a time comes that they can get you for something I used to respect the police, was a time i wanted to Join. Personal experiences with them have left me with no respect at all. and thats the way it is slowly becoming for most of britain IMO
  9. in the context you used the word i would say it is racist as you are referring it to been chinese - the chinese are a race and thus it is racist, but hey ho was merely pointing it out as this is a public forum and some members MAY find it offensive back on topic
  10. *danny*


    Ive never understood the whole - dont shoot its carrying young, theory the whole excercise in shooting rabbits is to keep numbers down so why not take out the whole litter with one shot rather than leaving them to be born, do more damage than necessary and go on to mate everything in site and populate further some would say its heartless, my theory but they're not cute cuddly wittwle pets - they are vermin pure and simple
  11. :blink: you know thats a racist remark,on a public forum?
  12. excellent stuff, will keep an eye on that. and have a read later
  13. excellent stuff, will keep an eye on that. and have a read later
  14. the rifle in the link looks nothing like the stoeger - i know you said the safety and stock are different, the stoeger has the safety catch at the back of the rifle out the way of the trigger. i found this on the net: (August 1, 2008) Stoeger Industries announces the introduction of an exciting new line of modern high-tech air rifles, the Stoeger X-Series. Developed by Italian engineers and designers, these high-power air rifles embody the fine styling of quality European sporting arms combined with rugged, ergonomic design and quality manufacture. Stoeger's high-velocity, single-shot air rifles are chambered for .177-caliber pellets and are powered by a fast and convenient break-action, spring-and-piston mechanism. Stoeger X-Series air rifles have two-stage triggers and shoot both alloy and hard-hitting lead pellets. Alloy pellets achieve a velocity of anywhere from 800 feet-per-second (fps) in the X5, to 1200 fps in the X10 and X20, and a blazing 1500 fps in the X50. The rifle is charged and ready to shoot with a single stroke of the muzzle-mounted ergonomic cocking handle. Stoeger air rifles feature an ambidextrous automatic safety, conveniently located at the rear of the receiver that eliminates the need to place your finger near the trigger to operate the safety. Stoeger X-Series rifles are fitted with red fiber-optic front sights and fully adjustable rear sights with green fiber-optic inserts for maximum visibility. Scope combo packages are available with factory-mounted 4x32mm scopes or 3-9x40mm Adjustable Parallax scopes. The new X-Series models offer a wide range of stocks and finishes, including quality hardwood in Monte Carlo-style or hunter-style and light-weight synthetic in matte black or Advantage Timber® HD camouflage. All models are fitted with non-slip rubber butt-pads and the X20 and X50 stocks feature checkered grips and fore-ends. "It's not every day that a major firearms manufacturer gets to introduce an exciting new line of products, and I know our customers will enjoy Stoeger's new X-Series air rifles," said Stephen McKelvain, Benelli USA's VP of Marketing & Communications. "They represent the high quality and value expected of the Benelli family of products." i dont know the deal with them, they say they are made in china on the rifle, designed in italy on the box. part of the benelli family and is stoeger not beretta? lol either way it is a great rifle it's shots are consistent and accurate. i havent used the sights to say but have a 3-9x40 scope and once zeroed in it can put out a nice grouping everytime. ive fired a few hundred shots with the x-20 and thus far ive had no problems at all with it. It works well for me and i dare say it will be a keeper. at some point i would like another weirach but funds say not yet, however i am perfectly happy with the stoeger. at such a cheap price they are very good value for money and i will even go as far as to say i think it performs just as well as some of the higher end rifles. it is quite heavy but not overly heavy IMO. I work nights at the moment and have noticed a lot of rats and earlier on a few magpies and woody's hanging around so am going to ask my boss for permission to shoot here. if it is granted i will let you know how it performs.
  15. the rifle in the link looks nothing like the stoeger - i know you said the safety and stock are different, the stoeger has the safety catch at the back of the rifle out the way of the trigger. i found this on the net: (August 1, 2008) Stoeger Industries announces the introduction of an exciting new line of modern high-tech air rifles, the Stoeger X-Series. Developed by Italian engineers and designers, these high-power air rifles embody the fine styling of quality European sporting arms combined with rugged, ergonomic design and quality manufacture. Stoeger's high-velocity, single-shot air rifles are chambered for .177-caliber pellets and are powered by a fast and convenient break-action, spring-and-piston mechanism. Stoeger X-Series air rifles have two-stage triggers and shoot both alloy and hard-hitting lead pellets. Alloy pellets achieve a velocity of anywhere from 800 feet-per-second (fps) in the X5, to 1200 fps in the X10 and X20, and a blazing 1500 fps in the X50. The rifle is charged and ready to shoot with a single stroke of the muzzle-mounted ergonomic cocking handle. Stoeger air rifles feature an ambidextrous automatic safety, conveniently located at the rear of the receiver that eliminates the need to place your finger near the trigger to operate the safety. Stoeger X-Series rifles are fitted with red fiber-optic front sights and fully adjustable rear sights with green fiber-optic inserts for maximum visibility. Scope combo packages are available with factory-mounted 4x32mm scopes or 3-9x40mm Adjustable Parallax scopes. The new X-Series models offer a wide range of stocks and finishes, including quality hardwood in Monte Carlo-style or hunter-style and light-weight synthetic in matte black or Advantage Timber® HD camouflage. All models are fitted with non-slip rubber butt-pads and the X20 and X50 stocks feature checkered grips and fore-ends. "It's not every day that a major firearms manufacturer gets to introduce an exciting new line of products, and I know our customers will enjoy Stoeger's new X-Series air rifles," said Stephen McKelvain, Benelli USA's VP of Marketing & Communications. "They represent the high quality and value expected of the Benelli family of products." i dont know the deal with them, they say they are made in china on the rifle, designed in italy on the box. part of the benelli family and is stoeger not beretta? lol either way it is a great rifle it's shots are consistent and accurate. i havent used the sights to say but have a 3-9x40 scope and once zeroed in it can put out a nice grouping everytime. ive fired a few hundred shots with the x-20 and thus far ive had no problems at all with it. It works well for me and i dare say it will be a keeper. at some point i would like another weirach but funds say not yet, however i am perfectly happy with the stoeger. at such a cheap price they are very good value for money and i will even go as far as to say i think it performs just as well as some of the higher end rifles. it is quite heavy but not overly heavy IMO. I work nights at the moment and have noticed a lot of rats and earlier on a few magpies and woody's hanging around so am going to ask my boss for permission to shoot here. if it is granted i will let you know how it performs.
  16. i think a lot of chinese products have improved in quality over the past few years. there was a time when it was all cheaply produced tat, but of late they seem to be improving. i owned a really cheap chinese thing a while ago - a B3 i think not sure who made it - underlever rifle that had the tendancy to snap back whilst loading and on occasion was known to fire without warning, very dangerous it was. Ive just bought the stoeger x-20 wich is made in china, designed in italy? read a few horror stories on the internet but the pro's seemed to outweigh the bad so i decided to give it a go, the quality seems very good, certainly looks the part and is accurate and powerful enough for the job at hand. just because something has a higher price tag and a branded name doesnt make it neccasarily better. At the end of the day, it's what YOU find suitable that matters. what works for you. just cos Harry's got the latest weirach doesnt mean he can shoot better than James with the latest SMK. If you like the smk great, if you dont, dont buy one?
  17. Thank's, ive been reading on the BASC site and i think im going to take out their airgunners insurance
  18. im new forgive me lol - could a mod move it to the correct forum? i wasnt sure where to post 2. ive been looking at a couple BASC BASA and NGO? from what i have seen BASA doesnt seem to be a very good company BASC comes out on top from comments and reviews but id like to know what im insured against first so still looking. No rush yet im in no hurry to get up and out into the field, still have to do my rounds looking for suitable land and finding the farmer to ask for permission.
  19. Hi all, my name's Danny I originally started shooting when i grew up at my parents house in a small village called Sproatley, Just outside of Hull. I had permissions on some local land where i Hunted rabbits and pheasents mainly. the odd pigeon that wasnt fast enough. I then moved to Leeds at 18 and was city center based so wasnt much calling for shooting as didnt have transport to get to the outer edges. I have since moved to Guiseley, a 5 min drive from the leeds/bradford airport and am surrounded by fields and country side and so have just bought myself a new air rifle and am hoping to take up the sport again very soon. Be good to hear from members in this area already registered on the forum. Ill be on the hunt for permission first. Always useful to have some land to shoot on first. thinking of joining the basc too
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