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About .22

  • Birthday 30/06/1966

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  • Gender
  • From
    ellesmere shropshire
  • Interests
    Shooting / fishing

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  1. 4092

    i take it your new on here like me

  2. Hi all Im looking to gain game keeper knowledge and working experience on any type of shoot. I live in ellesmere shropshire so must be within a reasonable distance to travel. I have a full time job at present so could only do evenings and weekends. I have 30yrs experience in rough shooting and vermin control but would like to work along with a good keeper. I have a good 4x4 for carrying feeds etc. Im willing to do this for free Any info would be greatful.
  3. Hi jim just read your post and curious how you got on regarding shooting land. Im looking for ground myself and live in ellesmere 8 miles from wrexham.
  4. Just like to say hello to everybody, this seems like a great forum very useful, anybody from north shropshire?
  5. Hi everyone im new to this site, seems to be very popular. Im looking for some rough shooting, or maybe a small syndicate to join in the north shropshire north wales area, im in ellesmere shropshire. Also shooting partners for days out. Any replies gratfull.
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