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Posts posted by Boston

  1. I was just wondering if there are any other female ferreters on this forum?

    Female ferreters in my neck of the woods seam to be far and few between and when we get asked about ferreting by the people who know us, they always look at me with shock and dismay when I say that, yes, I cull and yes, I have tried my hand at gutting (granted I made a dogs ear of it - but hay...) But put the same question to Matt by the same people and he seams to get no reaction at all, which is odd!!

    They seam to see it as the most unlady like thing to do and think that I should be thinking about these cute furry bunnies with my soppy female side and not out killing them!!! Even more so after breeding and showing rabbits for so long, this seams to mistify people even more!!!


    So, as said, are they are female ferreters on here and how do people react to you when you say that you pull your weight out in the field, do you think you get a different reaction to the men?


    Don't worry, not starting a male v female argument, just interested to know. :/

  2. Whilst out ferreting today it seamed that the wild life were against us.


    1st burry we went to and Two-spot bolted a rather mean looking rat, decideding that we did not want her going against rats we picked up our net's and moved on.


    2nd burry a stoat and it's baby decided to nip in and out of our nets not 20 foot away from me - sadly not bolting any rabbits for us while they was doing it - could have saved Two-Spot the work :/ but we thought rather than her meet a mother stoat down in a hole we took her out and once again took up our nets and moved on again! But wonderful sight to see!!!


    Our 3rd Burry gave us the rather nasty sight of a half chewed up adult buck rabbit in one of the holes... but of course we only found that after laying out 18 nets so we decided we would put a ferret down the burry anyway - nothing!


    So in the end we decided to leave the hedgerows and tried our luck at the bank. Here we netted a youngster and young adult buck and Two-Spot not wanting to let her's (youngster) get away made a kill down the burry but thankfully dragged it back to the surface with her so no digging :lol:


    One bunny for our pot and two more youngsters in the freezer for when our baby ferrets come :lol:




  3. When we used to breed and show our rabbits (given them up to ferret rabbits now :/ ) we used to loose a few youngsters from the same nest to bloat, build up of gases in the gut... may be this could have some thing to do with why you found the dead youngsters???

  4. Hi Boston, though i am living in cheshire now was born and bred in boston so great to hear someone on the forum from that neck of the woods. :lol:

    as far as the rest of the year goes until next season, i organise ferret racing with the kids both through drain pipes at home and more recently on leads and harnesses with ferrets trotting along behind. not quite to heel HAHA cant teach em to sit either but great fun!! will post pic of one of last years kits completeing walkies training when i figure out how to post pics.


    I'm look forwards to seeing the pictures.

    I am hoping to get hold of a whippet/Bed pup or something of the like so I think I now know what I am going to fill my summer with, not to mention that the game shows have started ... out first one is next month <_< Can't wait to watch the dogs running again this year at the shows!!!

  5. Well done. ;) Perhaps if there are lots of holes a good idea would be to call in a few very sensible trustworthy shotgunners to shoot the bolters?


    FM :D


    Matt would love to take his air rifle up there, but the farmer sold all the shooting rights to the shot gunners sadly, so it is a case of more hands and nets to the decks... but I am slowly convincing Matt that we really need a whipet to catch the bolters!! :D

  6. We got to our permission early...ish this morning to ferret the hedgerows that we found the other day whilst out. Sadly (or not depending on how you look at it) it was very slow and the only rabbits we came home with was one adult buck bolted by Possum our Sandy jill and a youngster bolted by Moss, we had another in the net but as it was only young (roughly 9 - 10 week old!!!) it got through the net and high tailed it before I got there. Will get it the next time :blink:

    Farmer glanced across whilst moving his sheep and seamed very pleased that we were showing up as we said we would, which is good news.

    Before we made our way back to the car we just did a little looking for our next warren and low and behold we found what can only be described as RabbitUtopia down a bank. I had never seen any thing like it in my life, when I say rough 40 - 45 holes not including digs, please belive that I am not lieing!! We are going to get some more nets and rope Matts brother in to help the next time we go down to the farm... not that we will get many out this time of year not with young about, but the odd one or two would be nice until later in the year.


    We did have to dig the once, but all we found was an almighty store of corn. I never knew rabbits stored food like this before.


    Ho, and I did my own cull today, you know I was very proud of myself, even Matt said he did not think that I would be able to do it. But I figure if I am going to go out than I should be able to pull my weight!!

    I was kinda waiting for a snapping noise though when pulling and was quite supprised at how easy and quiet the whole procces is. I hadn't even realised I had killed it and was still going for it like a mad dog while Matt was laughing at the other side of the hedgerow!


    I did try to gut... but to say it went unwell would be a little of an understatement... no I didn't ...you know :D Close though as I nicked the guts and caused a bit of a mess really... Ho well, there's always another day, but at least I gave it a go... Matt was kinda like, well you know as you skin at home, may be I should gut...I just think that was a kind way of saying that I was useless :lol:


    Corndig.jpg ~ Corn store???

    Possum1stbolt2.jpg ~ Possums catch.

    My1stconfirmed15.jpg ~ can you not guess that I felt a little pleased with myself.

  7. As to what do I do while waiting.....shoot a few black birds and starlings for pies, and the odd yote oh and spring turkey season starts April 25. :huh: Besides that I wait until I can get back to the UK to get out with some ferrets and shoot a few pigeons. :lol: In the mean time, my 3 littles and I will also be fishing through the spring and summer months and spending time on horseback. :P There is also dogs to run and property to get ready for holding a few birds on this fall, oh and a couple of new deer stands to build for this fall aswell. All in all I think we will be able to fill the time in. :(




    Thats it, we're on a plane to your place :lol::lol:

  8. We said that we would give it to the end of the month to get a bit more practise in for next season so we can go out with that bit more confidence having tried our hand. I wish we could have got the tracker sooner though as I have really enjoyed myself more than I thought I would.


    But at least there is some thing else to look forward to this summer while we wait for the seasons to roll round again, one litter of ferrets from the girl that has proved herself to be a keen and eager hunter.


    So what do you all do this time of year now you are not out with the nets?

  9. With one thing and another me and Matt have missed most of this season but finally managed to get out for a few hours today.

    We took last years Jill Minky and a three year old Hoblet Butch (albino) out and covered two warrens on our permission which in it's self is just a joy to be on, lovely open farm land with sandy soil, bliss to dig in :lol:


    Butch went down first and bolted one but only after a tonn load of patients waiting for the little rat bag to come back up, but as he kept moving about we decided not to dig. Finally managing to get him out we moved up the hedgerow to the next big dig, 20 - 30 hole and bolt holes just on one side of the hedgerow with countless other on the other side, we did not have enough nets to cover them all, but thought we would have a go any way. Luck had it not five mins after letting Minky go down, rabbit no.2 bolted in to one of the nets. I had a go at necking, struggled a little... being a girlie :lol: and handing it across to Matt to make sure the deed was done!

    We sat back for a good ten mins, tracking Minky every now and then letting her get on with the job at hand but found after a good five/ten mins of a constant beep in one place we decided to dig and find out what was going on. The little beauty had only got not one but two big buck bunnies in a stop, so we lent her a hand and got them out for her, dispatched and peed, Minky went down again and dragged a 4 weeker up so we though as no more was bolting we would give up for the day after sending the little 4 weeker back down the hole and on its way, sadly knowing it would have been abandoned, but hay, thats ferreting for you.

    We got to our permission at rough half ten after doing the kids and left there at one wondering where the time had gone so quickly. Wished the season wasn't coming to an end so soon, but have decided to try our hand a few more times before giving up just yet.

    Here are just a couple of pictures.

    IMAG0001.jpg ~ Butch ready to go down the 1st warren

    IMAG0002.jpg ~ Look what I got Dad!

    IMAG0003.jpg ~ I want it back now, thank you very much!!

    IMAG0004.jpg ~ Minky having a rag at one of her bunnies.

    We were going to take a catch picture at the end of the day with me...but the batteries on the camera failed... never mind :lol:

  10. Thank you for answering, but in the end, we thought against it not knowing enough about the temp of this cross breeding - as we have young children it pays to be careful.


    For now we will remain on the look out and reading articles.


    We are after a family pet that an animal respecting 5 year old can get on with, that is settled at home and gentle, small that will work well with ferrets as we are only after rabbits. We work mostly banks and dence covered areas. What breed mixed lurcher would suggest please? It was suggested a Bedlington cross whippet...


    Thanks for the help

  11. Hiya, we have been looking out for a lurcher to join us ferreting and have been offered a Bull (english)

    Greyhound cross. We have been told it is nice and leggy with a long snout but know nothing about this mixed breeding.


    I was wondering if any body had any pictures and knowledge of this breed working with ferrets?

    It is a 3 month old pup, does any body keep this with kids, cats and ferrets happily?


    Thanks for any advice given...

  12. Ive been on the blower and got some numbers of a couple of good breeders up north,if they are the stock i think they are they are cracking ferts,the silver in them is stunning, will be buying one myself ready for the shows next year.


    If you can manage to find a silver girl (again, well handled) I would be very interested in her, where abouts do you show, it is at the argies like Newark & Nott and Heckington as I am still trying to find some around us here in the Lincs area?


  13. Thanks for all that guys... and some very nice pictures. I don't mind so much about winning in any shows (used to show rabbits with many BIS and even the shows you don't place are still fun to be in) as they say it is in taking part. I just really like the colour and think the darker silver's are breath taking, though only ever seen one so far.


    I have two MacKay books and the one just on Breeding Ferrets which, yes does have basic genetics in. But still have to say even with all the years of rabbits I still only understand it properly when writen in a chart containing colour in writen english and parentage in relation to the rest :blink:


    My albino girl is a red eyes white girl, so Timber can go to her and I will cross my fingers for at least one silver in the litter.


    So as I get it so far, no silver to silver matings

    Out crossing to Red eyed Albino's or Poly's (would you say as a rule dark eyed white should never to be used at all?)

    And never cross back to any related blood such as father, half brothers/sisters out of same father's or mother's.


    Again, thank you for helping me learn this! :yahoo:

  14. Les White did a artical in the CMW a good few years back on the subject, its always better to out cross to a albino or polecat :unsure:


    Thank you, that was just what I was looking at on the net, I will also try and find the artical on the net or see if I can possibly get hold of a back issue (could somebody possible tell me what issue this was in, if so, thank you), but there seams to little to no info on ferret genetics to be found at all???

    Can you remember in the artical (sorry to be a pest) if it was okay to breed Silver carriers back to Silvers or is there still a chance of the defects? If you can not remember, thanks again for info given.

    Thank you very much :)

  15. Why do you want colour before anything else ?


    Personal preference I suppose, colour wise, but this isn't before any thing else, as said in the ad, tempriment wise she has to be sound, but as for working or pet I do not have a preference as both make equally suitable ferrets when well handled.


    I would like to produce some really nice silvers and possibly get out to some shows with them if and went the shows come closer and would like to work on the Silver colour mainly.



    Just found a good site about Ferret genetic, here is the link if anybody else is interested:


    The breeding of two silver's lead to 'high incidence of congenital deformities' so best avoided at all cost!!

  16. Hiya, as some of you may know through my wanted ad, I am hoping on getting a beautiful line of Silvers going, but been given the heads up on Silver, Silver mating and that they are not alowed.


    Is there any web site where basic genetic are explained.


    If Silver, silver are not alowed what are my chances on Sable - Silver mating to produce Silvers and then putting a Sable daughter from this mating back to Silver dad?


    Are Sandy - Sandy mating's the same and can Silvers be placed with Sandy's to produce Silvers?


    Hope this makes sence and thanks for any help.




    Picture is of Timber, the hob I would like to put her with this coming spring. Would be prepaired to trade up to 2-3 youngsters from her first litter with this stud for the Jill if you also need new blood lines. He is Silver, Sable bred of sound temper from working stock but not worked himself. Coming from very clean healthy home.

    ive always been under the impression that it was very unwise to mate silver to silver :unsure:

    I thought it was okay, but will look into it before I make the pairing, thank you for the heads up!!!



    Hello Mate

    Sorry cant help you with the jill, ive been on the look out for a hob for a while,we use to to show up North a couple of years ago,i think they are the best looking of all the coloured ferrets wanted one first time i saw one, i know of some brreeders up around the whitby area who have some and will be going up around the xmas time if you dont get any luck localy i will see what there is up there if your interested.


    Cheers Andy from Sleaford.

    Yes, I would be very interested, even if I discover that Silver and Silver can not be mated together I could put her to my Sable and then put their sable carring Silvers to Timber.

    That would be of great help :)

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