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Everything posted by Boston

  1. It seams that a lot of the tracking system are very expensive, a one off buy kind of thing, which are the best ones around and where would suggest buying from?
  2. Boston


    So given a little time to get use to each other - me and the ferrets that is, and I could start working these girl's in the next month or so?
  3. Boston


    Thanks to everyone that has made me feel welcome We decided to go with the young jills from working parents and so happened to have picked up a pair today They are 12 weeks old and very small at the moment, so .... what do I do with them to prep them whilst I work on the local farmers? We decided that our boys are better off at home and as said, used as studs .... I'm sure they will be happy with that!! Good advise for culling potbunny, but thankfully as the old man will be with me, I think I will leave it to him and have stuck a deal that I skin ... the easy part he is even still going to gut for me ... so the girly charm must have been working well!!! By the way we are based in lovely Lincs, ferreting heavon.
  4. My, others would say better half is in to his air gun's ... now along with my 10 year old son and I feel my 2 other son's shortly, now being the only lady in the house I can not be out done by this and needed a way in to the endless conversations As we own 2 hobs (always been fat pets) I thought it would be a good idea to start ferreting ... we breed and show domestic rabbit but all our boys have been brought up on a healthy diet of potbunny, our fat ferrity boys have been reared on still borns and culled runts. Now I am very new to ferreting, have read through some other threads that are also new to it also which has helped, but how do you get a ferret to 'work' are my 1.5 year old too past it to 'trained' They are very soppy and used to a rather soft living. I thing they would cuddle up next to a furry bunny if given half the chance I was going to try and get hold of two young jills and make my first attempts at working these as I have 'read' that jills make better workers as they get through the nets better. What is the best age to start working them? Ho, and one more question, I am a lousy hit with an air rifle and wouldn't trust not taking my toes off with a spade ... which way is the best way to dispatch potbunny quickly? Thanks for all and any help!
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