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  1. 22-250 Collet die set. collet neck sizing die & dead length bullet seater, shell holder, powder measure and instructions with load data. £25.00 posted. . 243 Ultimate die set, collet neck sizing die, full sizing die, dead length bullet seater,factory crimp shell holder, powder measure and instructions with load data.£40.00 posted. All in excellent condition, PM me for photos.
  2. As above £6 posted. ( NO LONGER FOR SALE )
  3. Hi Martin, Sorry for the delay I have been working away. Where are you in North Yorkshire as I get down that way and could possibly arrange a meet.
  4. As above in good condition with 223 shell holder,Primer insertion tool and spent primer tube.£40 + Postage REM 223 Brass in 100 round ammo boxes £25 per 100.+ Postage.
  5. 8 hp Johnson 2 stroke short shaft outboard and fuel tank in excellent condition and still running in as it has only run about 10 hrs.Purchased in 2005 and been kept in dry storage. £850. P M If interested and I will send photos and video by email.
  6. Hi, Sorry bud the LAPUA Brass has gone. Thank you for your interest. Cheers Ally.
  7. 223 specific http://www.dauntseyguns.co.uk/proddetail.php?prod=90179
  8. 2 boxes Hornandy 53gr V-MAX 223 heads New in sealed boxes. Face to Face only as they need to go on F C. £20 a 100 200 boxed LAPUA cases 223 new. £45 per 100 + postage !!! PROVISIONALLY SOLD!!! 200 + REM 223 cases in MIM Case Guard RS100 Boxes, once fired. £20 per 100 + postage 98 Nosler + 25 Winchester once fired. £20 + postage LEE 3 DI SET. £10 + postage !!! PROVISIONALLY SOLD!!! LEE PRECISION QUICK TRIM DIE. £4 + postage !!! PROVISIONALLY SOLD!! 900 cci small rifle magnum primers £20 Face to FACE. pay pal payment preferred. PM if interested.
  9. Well done and nice piece of kit.
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