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  1. why sombody wants to keep a wolf locked up like that with a alsasion is byond my comprehendsion they should have been fined for letting it run round the roads like that on the loose
  2. just thought you might be more botherd bout the culour so it blended in to were you shoot
  3. its a bit hard to cosentrate on a clays rib cos clays havent got ribs but the best thing is to not get too cock sure and make sure you can shoot it if you are going to have a pop at it if you can see the toes nails you will have egstremly good sight
  4. can sprokers be trained as good as cockers
  5. i have looked at a brittney today and liked it but it looked weared the breeder says some people call them gay hyenas cos of the way they run and look when you look at them you can see what they meen they are really like hyenas the breeder says im wasting my time and hers if its manely for the pigoens she said they will be good for shooting pigoens but would be wasted doin that only i told her it would be the crows on a tuesday and the rest of the week is the pigoens but she said they are used like pointers
  6. so do you go for the culour first tigger when you choose your pups
  7. as for the cross versions of gundogs my feind has just got a spandex not long ago and it is looking good for a puppy they are a bit of a gamble he said ccos you dont know how big they will grow to but if they are trained well they might be able to do everything that spaniels can do pluz more
  8. me and all if me calculator wasnt one of those solar powerd ones ad have worked it out tnite
  9. are they good at bringing pigoens to you they are french arnt they do they understand the normal commands like
  10. thanks for all yours help am no ferther forward its hard to make a desission but i think the labs could be best thank you very much
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