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Posts posted by norfolkboy84

  1. Terry if you think money should always be the most important factor then god help the future on the individual shooter or small club. As for the locals not being able to get into a nearby club in my area if you live in the catchment area of all my local clubs then you can get in though you might have to wait a year or two if there is a waiting list. The rents are fueled mainly by what the local clubs would pay until a super club opened the eyes to the landowners could get from them , way above what the locals could afford.Its true there is the odd wildfowling syndicate who will pay over the odds , but they are very much one offs and 90% of the demand comes from clubs and the action of a super club looks like pricing the locals out of the market.


    What a super club does in its own back yard is up to them and the more shooting they secure the better . It dosent effect fowlers a 100 miles away. But when they start spreading across the country its a different story. How would you feel is a super club from another part of the country payed well over the odds for a nearby marsh and as a result increased the rent your club has to pay in rent by several 100% .


    I have never sugested anything illegal happened , its more a question of morals and respect for the sport of others.



    No not a member, I fowl on the other side of the country, think you'll find KWCA more than willing to help you.

    You'll have to be accompanied for a time anyway, so you won't be going into unknown territory and unknown tides on your own


    Other side of the country? Have they not bought out the whole of the uk yet?

  3. For some reason my .17hmr bore snake doesn't want to drop down the barrel despite it being clear, was working fine until i tried some of my mates cci and remington ammo this weekend. It seems it's been magnatised? Has anyone else had a similar experiance?



  4. It's an interesting looking gun. Something that strikes me, from looking at the photographs, is that the positioning of the lever on the left side of the action suggests a gun built to suit a left-handed-shooter.


    Chady, is the stock cast on or off?


    Anyone got any thoughts on this?


    Surely if the leaver was on the right side of the action it would interfere with a right handers trigger finger? As naturally the thumb which operates the lever would be on the left side of the action?

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