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Posts posted by norfolkboy84

  1. Thanks for the witty answers! Alas tend not to take my camera out with me, but will next time.


    I've noticed them on a small holding in North Norfolk.


    It seems to be quite a regular thing, maybe 1 in 10. There is a lot of old scar tissue on them, and sometimes the claws are there but in the wrong place. Nobody else shoots there, so don't think it's human influence...

  2. They are also a major threat to other wildfowlers. In the future if some have their way you will have a simple choice , join a big club with all the problems that will intail such as having to book a days shooting well in advance or risk having your wildfowling priced beyond your pocket by it. Its a very good policy for a club to buy ground in its own area within reason , but when they start buying up ground in other areas of the country they will push up the rents to such an extent that nearby clubs will not be able to compete with them.


    Its BASCs job to take in any spare wildfowling ground and lease it back to the local club and should not be up to a super club.




  3. I live in Norfolk and am not in favour of lifting the restrictions of shooting wildfowl on Sundays. Most of the areas I shoot have open public access and Sundays is a day when many walkers and bird watchers are about. Much of the marsh I shoot on are of risk of being lost for wildfowling if too much public opinion is roused against shooting ( due to this we have have already lost parts of our marsh. While wildfowling is out of sight it is out of mind and unlikley to attract much public oppersition.


    Another reason I object to Sunday wildfowling is I think to chase our quarry every day of the week is detrimental to the sport. Chase fowl too much and they will move away to somewhere quieter. I am a member of one club that only allows shooting on its marshes two days a week and the quality of shooting is much better than other clubs grounds very close by where they shoot 6 days a week.


    Finaly Sunday shooting of wildfowl is something I have never done and even though in the past it has restricted my shooting to Saterdays only i have never felt the need to break with tradition. I suspect the real reason to push for Sunday shooting is to open the door for big busness pheasant shoots.





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