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Rod the Revolver King

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Everything posted by Rod the Revolver King

  1. Hello there, my son has just spent his birthday money on a really old Redding model 16 reloader - the one with the round charging bar. He has cleaned it all up and it all works well. The dies are mostly serviceable, but the de-priming one has a rather soft pin, which keeps bending. My worry is that after several goes at straightening it with pliers, it will snap off If anyone has, or knows of someone who has a set of 12 gauge dies for the Redding model 16 which they want to sell, then please do get in touch - especially if one of them is a de-primer. Cheers Rod
  2. Hello there. Just joined Pigeon Watch as a born again shooter. I was an active UKPSA member years ago (hence the nickname). Took up clay shooting a year ago with my 15 year old son and we are now looking to try our skills out on some live quarry. If anyone in the area knows of any opportunities in my area, then we would both be very grateful and look forward to hearing from you. Cheers for now. Rod.
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