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Posts posted by fortune82

  1. I used to work for a company with a large IT department. The head of IT had a similar problem and claimed that he had managed to take control remotely of the computer from which the e-mail was being sent. He claimed he managed to disable the cooling fan in the computer which caused the processor to melt.


    This is what he told me and I have no knowledge of how to do it or if it is even possible. It would certainly teach them a lesson the scaming ********.

  2. I normally move around for the first half hour until I work exactly where the birds are going to be heading. Once I know this I chuck up a quick hide and stay put.


    I was out this afternoon and fired 27 shots for 5 birds!!!!!


    On aplus point my 2 year old Cocker made his first ever retrieve of a runner!!!


    Im like a proud dad!

  3. When I got home yesterday there was a letter inviting me to a free half day landrover off road experience. I booked my place for April and it is all totally free. I expect they will try to flog me one of their trucks.


    Has anyone been on one of these? What should I expect? I have opted for a good old Defender. Should I expect a bit of dirt track driving or will it be proper mud plugging?



  4. I wouldnt touch a Focus or anything made by ford for that matter if an A3 is also on the radar.


    A work collegue had a side impact in his 09 reg focus last year. The car folded up like a paper bag and he spent the best part of six weeks in hospital. The car that hit him was going around 35 - 40 mph.


    Feel the difference in quality between the two cars. The Audi may well be more expensive but it will last a lot longer.

  5. I only use them if a gun is not going to be out the cabinet for months.


    I was told by a gunsmith years ago that firing a modern over and under with nothing in the chambers does it no harm. I shoot with a bloke who dry fires his beretta OU at the end of every drive before putting it in the slip. He has done this for years and the gun has never mis-fired.


    I was told by the same gunsmith that dry firing a sidelock sxs would jarr the action however.


    Has anyone heard this as well?

  6. My car is an Octavia with a DPF which is probably the same as the Audi A3 (2.0 TDI)? The DPF is fine as long as you do plenty of longish journeys. If most of your driving is stop start town stuff you will get the DPF clogging up and then it starts to cause problems.

  7. A massive double glazed window on the house of a neighbour. Cost over £1000 to replace and that was 17 years ago!!! I was firing some old ball bearings from a tractor bearing of some sort. I missed the target and heard a hell of a crack!

  8. I always thought fast burning powder produced more percieved recoil becuase it accelerated the shot charge more rapidly. I thought slow powders gave it more of a progressive push and therefore gave less percieved recoil. The total recoil force may be the same but the faster powder distributes the forces over a shorter time period than slower powders.


    The weight of the powder charge will also have a slight effect on recoil as recoil is a result of the combined mass and velocity of all material ejected out the muzzle. The powder is projected out the muzzle as gas, more powder suerly means more gas?

  9. Im not so sure about the death penalty but we def need to get tougher on the underclass developing in our society. I have a relative who works for the CPS and the stories he has make your blood boil. Leniant community service orders handed out to complete scum who then re-offend at will.


    I say stuff the prisoners rights campaigners. Make cells smaller. Fit more prisoners in. Less time out their cell and give real tough sentences to those who have committed serious crime. Serve your full sentence if you behave and longer if you dont.


    The worst I heard was a 34 year old heroin addict who had given birth to her 7th child. All her kids are in care and all have had to be weaned off heroin after birth. WHY has she not been forcibly sterilised?

  10. I wouldnt run a newer engine on the stuff, no way.


    My mate has his own mechanics and has had numerous people through the door with problems because they are running on veg oil.


    As already mentioned fuel pumps dont get the lube they need from veg oil.


    The other problem is with injectors though. A modern diesel injects the fuel under massive pressure. There is a tiny amount of water in veg oil which acts as a cutting agent on the injector nozzles and eventually ruins them.


    For a set of new injectors on my car, a VW engine, you are looking at around a grand.

  11. Seeing as im starting to think of the clay season coming up has anyone tried Just Cartridges CSP?


    Clay Shooter magazine has a review on them and they look pretty good for the price. What about recoil are they a bumpy cartridge or quite smooth?


    Im thinking of getting a thousand in 6 1/2 fibre to do the clays and the real pigeons as well. Should see me through to summer.

  12. Perhaps Im being a doom and gloom merchant but I can see a time in the not so distant future when game shooting becomes too expensive for the majority of people who can afford it at the moment.


    Population increase globally and the demand for more land for bio-fuels will drive the cost of grain even higher. Oil prices are only going to go one way and the wholesale cost of gas is also expected to increase as it has been statistically low for the past few years compared to oil.

  13. My parents live in Dumfries & Galloway. Depending on where abouts you are there are loads of places selling 20 bore cartridges.


    Why dont you explain the situation to one of the beaters or keepers on Buccleuch and see if they will buy you some if they shoot. Failing that I bet Buccleuch estates have their own "brand" of cartridges for guests to use when they run out. You could be given some of these as a "gift" for beating?


    Just an idea.

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