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Posts posted by fortune82

  1. Whilst on a shoot up in Scotland over the holidays I got talking to a bloke who had an old Beretta O/U which he reckoned had seen over 200,000 cartridges through it.


    My question is how many cartridges can a "normal" shotgun stand up to? What would need replacing first? Springs, pins, bolt, hinge pin?


    Would the barrels ever wear out or is it neglect that does barrels in?



  2. bloody hell lads this has all got a bit out of hand! I initially started the thread to find out the legal situation of shooting some long dogs owned by poaching scum.


    Anyway the problems solved now using some "unorthadox" techniques shall we say! Lets just say the poachers dont really have the ability to poach this piece of land anymore!!!

  3. As someone who has daily contact with 17 and 18 year old lads I cringe when I hear them talking about their exploits in and around cars.


    At the end of the day the majority of youngsters are involved in accidents when they have their mates in the car or are racing their mates. Is a young copper really going to have a car load of mates? A young paramedic is really going to race his mates clio in his ambulance isnt he.


    As for soldiers some of the worst driving I have ever seen was by young squaddies which is why they pay more for their imsurance than others.

  4. So you think lumping EVERY driver under 21 into the same bracket is the way forward?


    As with anything, education and experience is a far better way to get through to people.

    Yes I do. At the end of the day I would bet all my worth on the fact that most accidents involving young drivers are caused by them dicking about not having a lack of experience.


    Prime example, three lads I went to school with decided to pile into mummys renault megan and go thrashing round the local bypass. They overtook a mates car and hit an innocent woman coming the other way. She died and so did two of them.


    What training or education is going to prevent that? Nothing. Common sense tells you if you overtake at 90 odd mph on a bend you stand a good chance of dying.


    Until the part of the brain in young lads that deals with risk and consequence is fully developed I think we should lump them all together and impose stricter rules on them.

  5. At the end of the day the reason young lads die in crashes is because the part of the brain which deals with consequential thinking doesnt develop until around 21 - 23 years old in males. That has been proven by several independant studies.


    You can give them extra lessons in motorway driving, night driving etc but all will have little effect.

    You could limit the engine size or power etc but a 1.0 litre car will still do 80 - 90 mph and still kill people.


    I honestly think the only way to stop this is to insist on draconian measures such as:


    No passengers until after 21

    No driving after 7pm etc

    Speed restrictors fitted to cars

    ANY driving offence at all equals a 6 month ban and a much harder re-test


    Make them fear for their licence and they might start to think about what they are doing.


    A young **** crashed into me in April. The **** hole didnt see a bright red 4x4 sitting stationary in the middle of the road and didnt even brake. If I had been in a small car I could have been killed as the cops reckon he hit me at around 45 MPH. As it was he hit me hard enough to bend the ladder chassis on my car and completely destroy his Citroen Saxo.


    In the end he lost his licence and got a 150 quid fine. I think he should have been banned for several years and fined several grand to keep him off the road.

  6. Probably.... the 42.3 is over 22k average mix of of traffic, motorway, etc Michelin tyres all round at proper PSI as well (mix of supermarket and branded fuel) real world MPG isnt what the brochure says.....


    I know. Real world MPG is what I worked out on several tanks calculated with the mileage done on the tank. The book says high 50's for combined driving!

  7. Lets say you had £15,000 to spend on a new 4x4.


    What would be top of your list?


    Im mainly concerned about reliability, half decent MPG (high 20's) on road comfort and a half decent off road ability.


    Discovery 3 has taken my attention however some reliability horror stories have put me off.

  8. I used to be a member about 4 years ago. It was a friendly place and catered for .22 small bore using bolt action rifles and .22 carbine using semi auto .22 rimfires.


    I shot .22 carbine which was good fun. The only reason I stopped going was because it was a bit of a treck on a thursday after work there and back.

  9. What are the symptoms of kennel cough?


    My cocker spent all of yesterday on the shoot working fine but this morning has a cough. He still has loads of energy and has just finished a bowl of food. He has been vaccinated against it as well which i have been told is a waste of time.

  10. Im having a couple of problems with my 20 month old Cocker.


    This is his first season and he is doing reaaly well in the beating line.


    He will retrieve partridge and pigeon fine but will not touch a pheasant at all. All he does is pull a few feathers then come back to me. I did manage to get him retrieving them in the garden last sunday but then today on the shoot he was back to normal.


    The second problem is when he is on the peg he whines and yelps at the pheasants as they fly past! Ive tried a growl, a firm no, a tug of the ear and a sharp tap to the nose but nothing seems to stop him.


    Any ideas on these two problems? :good:

  11. As far as Im aware Citori is the name given to Brownings in the USA ie a citori 525 etc.


    You can buy a Citori in this country which is basically a slightly lower grade 525. I lloked at one a few weeks ago and the engraving was a lot plainer than a 525 grade 1. Funnily enough though the citori stock was much more highly figured than the 525.

  12. If i remember correctly you dont get the same bang with the launcher blanks because they are nitro powder and need a bit of pressure to burn all the powder. Proper blanks are black powder which burns quicker. Im sure my mate tried them a few years back and they didnt go bang very loud.


    Maybe Im wrong though and they would blow the gun up!

  13. Let him be a pup until about six months old. Do very basic stuff like house training, sit, stay etc up until that point. Make every training session a game which is fun for him. Get him bringing you a rolled up sock in the house to start the retrieving game!


    A big no no is to not play any tug of war games with him. Also when he is a bit older and you let him off the lead keep him close by ie dont let him run wild, have him doing something for you like finding a dummy or hunting out cover.


    The sort of training you will do regarding gun dog training will depend on the sort of shooting you do. If its mainly driven then steadyness, being able to sit still for long periods, and retrieving.


    If you are a rough shooter then it will be quartering and flushing game as well as retrieving you need to work on.


    Have fun!

  14. I have just got back from a good day on the pheasants, with a pounding headache.


    I was using Eley VIP 32gram NO.6 fibre which really pulled down the high fast birds with ease. However they were really knocking me around through a Miroku 6000 O/U.


    Are there any cartridges on the market which deliver good long range performance but are a bit kinder on the shoulder?

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