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Posts posted by snowmonster

  1. As the secretary of a wildfowling club I've been authorised to offer membership vacancies or seasonal permits for our own crown foreshore leases consisting of approx. 17kms on the rivers Aire, Ouse, Don. A limited number of seasonal permits are available on a first come first served basis, as a member permits on the south bank of the Humber could also be available. The bulk of our own shooting falls into south and east yorks area, for more info send a pm with an email address as there's to much info to post here.

  2. From what I've seen of rent a mob there's one or two scary beasts among em that look like they need a good torturing :lol::lol: if you was unfortunate enough to be married to one of em you'd be well pleased to dump em off at the badger camp and hope the protests go on forever :whistling: .

  3. The battle for our small piece of Natural England marsh goes on (and on and on and on...).

    We have now got a licence but they are putting restrictions on the number of visits we can make.

    In the past we have been granted a number of days.

    We have shown restraint and not overshot and now we pay the penalty as our new licence will be based on our previous years bag returns.

    So, on the 1st, I will be there just because I can be. Then it is back to the battle once again.

    Have a good season all of you.

    N/E at there best again, just been sorting out the consents for our club and facing up to the same tactics and scenario's. Had some great help from BASC with the whole procedure and for free.

  4. In all seriousness, how much is a double 8 in good nick cost? Is it a min of 2K job?



    What are you guys shooting through it? ITM?


    Very nice gun btw :good:


    I paid that for a steel barrelled single 8 about 18 months 2 year ago you'd have to be looking at 5 or 6k for a decent double nowadays.

  5. As a youth I would go to the air shows at RAF Gaydon which was a Vulcan base with a three mile runway. I remember Lightnings coming in at ground height and then a vertical climb on full reheat . Some things will stay in my mind till I die, MAGIC.


    I know exactly where you're coming from was shooting a night flight on the eden estuary years ago and the yanks were doing the same in f15s I think at Lucas air force base. The old lass at the digs we were stopping in wasn't very happy when our gear stunk the place out with av gas as we were right on the end of the runway.

  6. My late dad use to watch them as they took of and landed at finningley


    I think most local folk used stand and watch them, I remember a day watching one doing circuits round the airfield and coming in touching the wheels down and straight back up. God knows how many laps he did but I'm glad I never had to pay the fuel bill.

  7. Being of that age and living nearby robin/hood / finningley where they were based during the cold war days there was always one or two flying about, still nice to see and obviously brings back all the childhood memories.

  8. Ok so we all build up a picture of how other members are in the flesh so to speak. When you have met other PW members are you usually right about the persons personality and or character?


    Do you think posting online does give others a true picture of our personality?


    Not at all for all we know you could be an 18 stone brickie with a sense of humour Pinkie :lol:. Hell of a lot of people hiding behind keyboards grooming kids etc etc, lets face it you can be who you want when hiding behind a false name or directory handle.




    Its an Edward Whistler I bought it at Bonhams in London about 2001 for £2400 incl commission & every one said I was bonkers but the strange thing is they are saying now " You know that 8bore you have ? do you want to sell it ? trouble is they want to give me what I paid for it :lol: . Now I know I am mad but I am not that mad :whistling: .


    ATB Pole Star

    Not suprising, you can expect to pay that sort of money for a decent single nowadays looks a very nice gun :good: .

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