I'm new on here looking for some advice, I have a 20 month black lab bitch, she did some beating last season and just started picking up. She is from full working lines. Her recall is pretty solid to the whistle and so is retrieve, although holding im still working on.
But she has good days and bad days, somethimes we are out doing some retrieves and just gets a bit distracted and will drop it half way back and go sniffing, then come back, so I send her back using "lost" command and she will bring it back. Other days she will be straight back every time. She's a lot better at ignoring other dogs now too while out. Whats the best way to avoid this distraction?
On the odd occasion that she wont recall straight away, whats the best way to handle it, I dont want to reprimand because she has come back but dont want to reward not coming back 1st time either.
The last thing.... she once picked a bird and didnt want to bring it back, but she got a telling off for that, whats the best cure if she ever did it again? I practice with her favourite toys at home getting her to bring them to me and then taking them away, giveing them back etc to build the trust.
What age to people recommend starting to work them? I'm not sure if she was in the field a bit young in hindsight but thats my fault being a bit keen.
Sorry for a lot of questions