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Posts posted by yidoharry

  1. He gifts you the shotguns and fills in your certificate, you then both inform your relevant issuing police forces, he informs his that he has gifted them to you and you inform yours that you have accuired the guns. The forms are normally available online to download or fill out electronically and most forces accept the form via email. Good luck.

    If in doubt ring your FEO and he will steer you in the right direction.

    thank you so much....
  2. Hi guys.....as the title suggests my dad can't shoot anymore due to a combination of age and ill health and wants to give me he's 3 shotguns. Just wanted to know the best way to do this and if he or I need to inform the relavent authorities. He's never given a gun away to anyone so isn't sure and I'm fairly new to the sport so any information would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks in advance, Harry

  3. Great bit of kit. Be wary of some cheap ones which fail at the welds and made quite poorly. Also some are very short and only good for drilling were I don't bother with them and just place the birds on the ground.

    Paul Hart does some very good ones, quality is great and they are a good length.

    is he's site "the pigeon shooter"?
  4. Have you used them on freshly drilled fields before or only on fields with standing crop?

    Great bit of kit. Be wary of some cheap ones which fail at the welds and made quite poorly. Also some are very short and only good for drilling were I don't bother with them and just place the birds on the ground.

    Paul Hart does some very good ones, quality is great and they are a good length.

    how can I get hold of Paul Hart cradles? Is he on here or a shop ?
  5. Hi, I'm thinking about getting some cradles in order to do away with some of my half shells. I wanted to hear views on if others have used or are using them regularly and how they find them regards pulling in pigeon. I keep reading/hearing that you can't beat real birds as decoys which is another reason for thinking about the change. Would be great to hear comments or suggestions. Thanks in advance

  6. I've been thinking about investing in some pigeon cradles but before doing so I wanted to know if they're worth it and if they work well. I'm lucky that I can drive to my desired spot so carrying them around is not a problem. Would really appreciate everyone's opinion. Cheers.

  7. Ok so lets be all serious then , do you really believe that an in coming pigeon can see its dead mate has its eyes closed before it gets in shotgun range ?.

    Its something Archie Coates came up with I believe and it was as unnecesarry then as it is now .


    Lets face it millions are shot each year over the magnets you have seemingly disgaurded , and if a pigeon cannot tell there is something up with its mates going around in a 8ft circle with a massive lunp of ironwork up its jacksy then it sure as hell is not going to know if its got its eyes closed or not !!!!!!!


    99% of magnets problems scaring birds is the arms reflecting light.

    YOU might not see it from your position, but guaranteed the birds do. This happens in rainy weather with Matt paint, or any time with gloss paint.

    The cure is, get some cloth type camo tape, and completely wrap the arms of the magnet in that. That will stop all flashing, and should bring the birds back in

    now that sounds like a cracking idea!
  8. Hi, the last two outings over wheat stubble I'm finding it very difficult to get the woodies to commit. Not sure if it's just coincidence or if I'm doing something wrong! There was plenty of birds around today and I sat very close to a flightline in the hope I'd be able to get them in close enough for a sensible shot but the vast majority either flew just outside the range to get a shot off or veered away around 60-70 yards away! I started with a flapper and 22 decoys, six of which were dead birds. Any ideas or suggestions as to what I may be doing wrong or decoy patterns which I would be better off trying would be greatly appreciated.

  9. That is a almost impossible question to answer, depends on speed and angle and distance of the bird

    Also everyone sees lead differently , instead of wasting shots go a have a lesson or two .


    The wasted shots could also be down to shooting at birds that are too far away , how many shots per bird are you averaging ?

    +1 Have a chat with Bakerboy.....top man, he put me right!

  10. I would never carry 200 cartridges to my chosen spot, initially. Taking 100 would be plenty. If I shot those out I would be more than happy to walk back to the truck for more shells (with a sack of dead pigeons on my back).


  11. I Don't use a Rotory on drillings...never again...


    Just a good horseshoe pattern of some decent decoys... and a low mounted intermittent flapper does the trick for me.


    I've always found the birds flare way at height if you use a rotary or even wands, whereas with decoys they seem to just drop in.


    Make sure the birds are feeding on the field first or you will be sat there all day for nowt.


    Make sure also this time of year your hide matches the hedgerow or background.


    There was a guy shooting the field opposite me last week and his camo netting stood out like a sore thumb against the barren hedge...If I could see him I bet the birds could easily.


    I shot 57 he shot 11 and there were plenty of birds around

    If there are birds on the field I assume they're feeding??? When I went on Monday I sat on a smaller rape field that they've been on but after a steady start they disappeared so I decided to call it a day. After packing the gear up I thought I take a drive down to the drilled fields to see if any were about.......the larger of the two had the odd crow and occasional pigeon flying over but the smaller field was half full of pigeons which rose in unison on my arrival as expected! Would they just sit around on it or if they're on it would they be feeding?

  12. After pestering you all with my earlier posts and being overwhelmed by the response, help and guidance offered Ive finally started to knock a few down! I now have got to fields of peas to have a go at. Question is what would be a decent set up.........rotary or not? Flappers? Or just go in with a decent decoy pattern. The reason I ask is that I'm thinking, would the rotary look out of place on a bare field and spook them or am I giving our feathered friends to much respect. Would be interesting to hear everyone's view on how would they approach it. I know that each day is different but want to give myself the very best chance to have a successful day for myself and the farmer, so would be great to hear your opinions, cheers

  13. I've been meaning to get back to let you all know how I got on in my first full outing since I spent the day with Bakerboy but work has been mental!! I am pleased to say that after putting together all the advice from you lot and especially Terry I had what was for me a decent day. Ended the day with 10 woodies and 2 crows, but it wasn't about the numbers.......I just shot well.....still missed birds but they were challenging shots and I've always expected that it would take years to get to a high level but I enjoyed the day more than any other I've had in my fledging pursuit of pigeon. The ones I felt were birds I should take, I hit the vast majority on what was a quiet day but 28shots for the 12 birds was better than my previous outings and the fact the gun "feels" right now on mount almost gives me a sense of confidence I can take my shot and have a chance. I've still got to work on what strategy to use when a flock comes over :blush: as last time I was out two separate flocks came overhead and I looked like a jack in box trying to choose the right bird.....by the time I picked which to go for they were out of range!! I must have looked like a right plonker! Still feels good to be able to think what happened a smile. The main point here is if there's others out there who are struggling they could do themselves a lot worse than to get a lesson from Bakerboy, he's certainly got me back on track! Back out tomorrow early to improve that little more hopefully!!

  14. I've never met, spoken or PM'd Fenboy but have read many of his replies and posts since I've joined PW and always found his comments informative, fair, respectful and accurate...........most of all he is passionate and protective over the future of our pursuits and the shooting community.


    Clearly a case of mistaken identity and no malice intended.

    + 1

  15. Ah shucks.

    I have gone all red.


    Harry, we will spend a day together again before too long either at yours or mine.


    We will try different patterns and use additional Flappers and magnets and see what happens.


    Great to spend time with you, if we were not talking so much you/we may have had a few more birds


    As I recall you ended the day with 7 birds for 13 shots so not too shabby at all.

    Remember let instinct play it's part.

    Look forward to it Terry, would be great to try some different patterns etc.......back out this Sunday to put all I've learnt into practice!!

  16. Well Sunday came and me and Terry met up at a local Filling station en route to my chosen farm.....The weather didn't exactly seem the best as we drove down the mist/fog seemed to be getting thicker! On arrival I was put at ease by Terry as he felt the mist would lift in due course and he was right. We proceeded to get the equipment out of the 4x4 and Terry was quick to point out that setting up the way we did would give me a good chance to get a few as I knew where they would be coming from. After explaining a few issues I raised regards the gun fit he asked me to raise the gun and assured me the gun was fine for me but noticed I was tilting my head so went to his truck and came back with a plastic "comb" (I think that's what he said) and attatched it to the stock. Now try mounting the gun he said......I raised the gun gun and it was perfect!! We sat back and waited, chatting about all manor of things from our different lives........suddenly and without warning a couple of obliging woodies came through the pattern exactly as Terry said they would but I snatched at the shot and sadly missed behind! Terry assured me there would be other opportunities and around 20 mins later another few came across the same flight path.......this time I acted more on instinct and lifted, mounted and took my shot without too much of a thought process and down came the first bird of the day......a nice shot for me and Terry was kind enough to collect the bird, as he came back he said "35 yards that one" I was pleasantly surprised and sat back down eager for more action....after a short wait the second bird of the day came my way and at 40 yards gave me even more confidence.......The action then slowed before a small flock of around 15 birds came from the opposite side but I was unfortunately pre occupied by a couple in the opposite direction and panicked a little which resulted in a miss. The day then slowed down and the birds were obviously more interested in another area far to the left of us as we saw huge flocks rising in unison every so often. The day petered out and there wasn't too many other chances to add to my total but spending time with someone with such a wealth of knowledge was invaluable for me. Lunchtime came and Terry decided to shoot off which was fine to let me tackle them on my own......I ended the day with 7 woodies in all and some decent shots which has given me renewed confidence......I have to say that I feel it would be hard to find someone like "Bakerboy" who was willing to give up he's Sunday morning and come and sit with me all to help me along in my pursuit of become a better shot. He really should be considered as one in a million and a true gent.......Thank you again Terry for all your help and guidance.....your a top instructor and man!!! :good:

  17. Again, everything that you've said indicates that you're poking at the 'easy' ones or those you see coming from a mile off. Also, you were doing great until your very last word. We all have instinct and can react due to a natural hand/eye co-ordination. We harness this together with a good gun fit and consistent correct mount for success eventually building up a series of sight pictures in our memory bank. This takes care of the 'aim'. With regard to concentration, a skeet shooter will not score 25/25 and neither a trap man, 99/100 unless they concentrate. Concentrate on keeping the swing is not bad advice.

    With regards to the perfect gun fit, how should this be? I know its sounds like a silly question but how do I know when its a perfect fit.....what should this look/feel like......I'm so eager to get the answers I know but I cant stop thinking about shooting at the moment....every week I'm counting down to the weekend praying that the weather holds out so I can get back out there full of excitement only to get lots of chances and miss the opportunities and get down!!! Arggggh so frustrating! :unhappy:

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