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  1. Do you look for something hitting his crops or go and ask if he needs you. Or how did you get that permission. Its a little bit different for me as I am a pest controller .I get farmers call me when they get problems. Only this week had a local farmer call to say can you come on my farm and help. I couldn't believe it Deer trouble seen two Roe in the first field Six cross the valley and four in the filed I was going to shoot in .Shot a Roe Doe .I Went back to the farm and they said come in have a cup of tea said thanks and gave me a dozen eggs. They said we don't want any venison we don't like it. It just goes to show there is shooting out there for all. Woodfordpigeon (semi retired)
  2. went to one of my staking grounds to replace six scaffold bars on one of my towers yesterday .If I wasn't tied it would have went over .This is a big tower with roof and windows takes up to six people. The four uprights were left and all the cross members were stolen. Very dangerous lucky I found it and it was used only a week ago .I can only think it was for the metal. They also had taken the lock and catch probably to look inside.woodfordpigeon
  3. Smart pigeon shooter. Happy farmer job done !! Done that been there. got a lovely tee-shirt. woodfordpigeon
  4. You can watch this on your PC BBc I player BBC one SOUTHWEST inside out 7.30. I believe they have been working my ground .I have been again today and shot a Doe but numbers are well down on last. This kind of practise upsets cull targets. we have a target but how do we know what they have done. Only two weeks ago I caught three guys walking a staffy cross on my ground ..All my gates are locked.and All you can do is ask them to leave. I have stealth cams and will be getting more. These cameras need to be made smaller so we can hide them better. we have had them nicked. woodfordpigeon
  5. Well I know some of you don't go much on the RSPCA .I think you will be happy with their help tonight. my stalking ground plymbridge elforleigh Devon woodfordpigeon.
  6. Have you ever pattern plated your gun cartridge combination. You might be quite surprised. My pattern plate is 8ft squire and set at 70 yards. Steel plate in the centre which we repaint after each shot. This combination is ideal for my gun set up at the range I shoot at. 7.5s simply have no striking velocity left at that range. 4s with full choke give a good pattern and still hit hard. So you hit and kill or miss. This combination makes close shots difficult. I hope I have helped woodfordpigeon
  7. Well I use HULL EXTREAM GAME 28G 4s I do believe they are 1600 fps. It doesn't say on the box.woodfordpigeon
  8. That's why I use No4s.Each pellet that hits the bird does a lot of damage. Hull cartridge 28g 4s.1600 fps full choke. woodfordfallow
  9. Don't you worry we seen you. A bird in the air is worth two in the bush. woodfordpigeon
  10. I was flashing red lights. They did bring the undesirables but. I want pigeons (your not telling me all).
  11. I see the theory here. we had a old bird down in the village always on her back she attracted cocks too. woodfordpigeon
  12. I always turn shot birds breast down. Do you find birds flair off if you leave then on thir Backs. woodfordpigeon
  13. Thanks for your advise but some of the rotary things must help for birds in the distance. flappers on a rotary. Does any one find that a flapper pulls birds better than real birds. woodfordpigeon
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