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Everything posted by ppaynter

  1. Yukon Photon + added IR and mounts for sale £350 all in perfect order
  2. Hello I am looking to do a Deer managment course and was wondering if anyone would mind me tagging along next time they go out to observe and gain some knowledge i can return the favour with crow and rabbit shooting thanks in advance phil
  3. Hi sorry thanks for the replys so far im located in Petersfield During the week and Fleet at weekends
  4. I really want to do some Wildfowling in the upcoming season but not sure how to start or go about it is it best to join a club or find somone to go with ?? Cheers Phil
  5. Sorry should of said i have a Apple and plum Orchard about Half an Acre which the pigeons are landing but i dont was shoot the hell out of the Orchard so i want to try and get them to land in the field and shoot them that way
  6. I have a 17 Acre bit of land, until i recently topped the grass the only thing i was getting was the odd Pigeon & Crow fly over, now i have topped the Big field the Crows are landing but still no Pigeons, Question is there a good Game strip crop to put in would that boost my chances and do you know any farmers in the Sussex (Midhurst Area) that would possibaly Help out Cheers Phil
  7. I have all the parts and they all work the issue is that they still don't line the cartridge up with the chamber, ill see what they say when it comes back from the Gun smith
  8. Hey sorry the bolt and the extractor slide are all in tac I have given up and sent it off to the gun smith now who reckons he can put something like the webley to a line the cart with the chamber
  9. please find attached
  10. No defiantly a 2 1/2 cartridge and it dose it every single time ill attach a picture it looks like its missing the springs or just a dodgy build job
  11. I brought .410 Bolt action (Anschutz) as a bit of fun at work but im having trouble chambering the cartridge, it sits on the ejector slide fine but when you push the bolt forward it just wont go in you have to try and line it up with your thumb to get it in. I never had this trouble with the webley before so any ideas cheers Phil
  12. Still struggling to find a part to fit any more ideas
  13. The one i found on midwest guns was just a replacment end cap with the sling swivel built in, but like i said they are US only so tryin to get a mate over there to by it and send it to me even though its $49
  14. Try pulling the trigger as you push the bolt in
  15. Cool thanks i will make a few enquirys
  16. Goin through my dads gun cabinet last night we came across my great grandads 12 bore single barrel, which had really seen better days it was made in 1919 and is in poor condition, cosmetic it wouldnt take much work and my dad really wants to get it restored the barrel inside really needs some work as it is very pitted So my question is who would be the best people to talk to ref restoration, the gun is only sentimental but it would mean a lot if i could at least get it looking good, Shooting it would be amazing but if its no repairable then i dont wanna blow my face off thanks in advance Phil
  17. I found the right part in the states a company called Midwest guns but guess what they dont ship to UK
  18. i think i will try half choke and see how i get on
  19. So do you think it would be better to take the choke out then cheers Phil
  20. Yeah i ad one of those on my air rifle not very keen
  21. So just to check im onthe right track half choke with upto number 4 shot will be ok for my gun thanks in advance Phil
  22. i like the standard wood look just wanna make life better by having a sling, to be fair my mate wants me to put a pistol grip on it
  23. Dam every thing I'm looking for gonna cost a bit to get it all shipped thanks hard working searching the online gun world on a I phone
  24. OH Yeah i will messure it tonight see if i can find one that fits
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