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Everything posted by Woody

  1. Hi Jonno, depends on what the field is like where I shoot, but I normaly take :- 30 Flocked Shells Decoys, 4 x 6ft Floaters, 4 Flappers (sometimes mounted on 6ft poles) 1 Magnet, 1 crow decoy, As you can see I like lots of movement that the birds can see from a long way off... Oh and 2 big net bags to carry all the dead pigeons to my car Woody
  2. Sorry m8 no idea where you are comming from just go back and read my posts, sounds like you are just after an argument supose all forums have them!!! no lol.........
  3. Hi M8 do you think every one gets their mail on the same day, as I said I did not get my list till Saturday morning. if you care to read my post carefuly I said I rang John on Friday night to see if he had posted the list yet, thats when he told me about the local farmer. Dont acuse me of asking for "Special Proirity" until you have read my post correctly!
  4. I spoke to John on Fiday night and he told me that a local farmer was being hit hard by pigeons just as John was getting the lists out to us, so some members were shooting it over the weekend and Im going on Monday, as John said if you dont ring him up you will never know where the birds are......
  5. You go for the Scotch Dave, I have the Duck and the Goose calls. The problem I had with the ones you blow were mine used to freeze up with the moisture from my breath, the Mallard one has the best "Feeding Chatter" Ive heard and its so easy to produce just by holding the neck of the call and shaking it quite quickley which is great for pulling them in over Decoys.
  6. Mine arrived yesterday morning getting amongst them Monday, now praying for some wind to get up. (we are never pleased!!!)
  7. Spoke to John tonight and he has put them in the post, ( not be long fellow shooters,) looks like it could be a bumper year with these early frosts. It has the makings of a Good Year.
  8. Well still waiting for the new Field Lists, but the Postman keeps walking past my door. I assume no one else has got theirs yet, I have taken 2 weeks hollidays to get some Pigeon Shooting done and still nothing, I will ring John Tonight !!!!
  9. Hi Gary I tend to use the flapper just when I see pigeons a fair way off and have not seen my decoys, as soon as I turn them and I know they have seen my decoys I stop the flapper, the flapper in my opinion is to add some more movement to the pattern. If you watch a pigeon just before it lands it flapps its wings and then settles on the ground but if you see a pigeon constantly flapping its in trouble, the flash of white on their wings is a very strong signal to other pigeons and can be seen from a fair distance, I have pulled pigeons from a full field away by throwing a dead pigeon with its wings broken out from my hide as to imitate a bird landing in my decoys. as regards what height to place the flapper its up to you , if the crop you are shooting over is quite high you want the flapper above the crop if its just been seeded place it just off the ground (quote "Archie Coates" Present the picture the pigeons want to see) as I say Garry this is my opinion but as Pete says experiment what have you got to loose....Woody
  10. Hi Paul I quite agree but the Pigeons are getting wiser every year, I have persued them for well over 20years now and they get harder each year. But saying that they can be ever so stupid, I have shot them all day even knocked the front of the hide down and still they drop in, I have walked out to re-arrange my decoy pattern and had them dropping in, have you ever observed a pigeon you have shot and another has seen it fall so it thinks that it has dropped in for a feed so that does the same. I think once they have been shot at a couple of times they wise up and associate the noise of the shotgun as danger and keep well away, (Thats my theory anyway)......Woody
  11. Are they getting later each year or is it just me cause my trigger finger is getting itchey??
  12. He used to shoot 25,000 pigeons a year so he they say
  13. Hi Mossy I think I have read all his stuff and it still holds true today, ...Woody
  14. I quite agree Rob but I have found a constant flapping can turn away birds coming in to the decoys but if you just use your flapper just for a few quick flaps it can turn passing birds and get them to change course, I used the "Old Masters Trick Archie Coates" of chucking out a dead bird with its wings broke at birds that were passing to my left or right and this caught their eye and turned them towards my decoys and it still works now. ...Woody
  15. Thanks for that Will, how would I wire them up? would I use one bigger battery or link in the two batterys that come with the Flappers, Again Thanks
  16. Hi Everyone, as you can see Im new to the group but not to Pigeon Shooting, I have a question for you all Can I run two Flappers from one Remote control? Im plannig to buy two MKII flappers and one remote control instead of a Rotory to cut down on the weight. Cheers!!
  17. Thanks for that big simmo999. is anyone worried about the new hygene laws for game handeling coming in next year, the way I read it its going to affect us as well.......
  18. Hi everyone this is my first post here "so be gentle" Has anyone got there new Field Lists yet for this year? as I am looking forward to getting back into the field again after a long lay-off through injury. I joined NPPC last year but could not get out much through the injury, but now Im ready to get back in amongst them again, I have been shooting now for 28 years mostley in North Northumbria but since moving further South I have lost a lot of my shooting contacts and friends so I will have to start again but I think thats part of the fun.
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