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Posts posted by NatureBoy

  1. WJ  should not have any say in the GL or any policy making!!! Packham and Avery have caused to much negative conflict the past! Causing miss trust between the shooting orgs land owners/managers/ keepers and the conservation bodies! And with there latest attempt have damaged a lot of any renewed trust that had been built in recent years! If they really care about conservation  they should listen to trust and acknowledge people that are really doing the work that matters! Making a real difference  helping to conserve wildlife, create habitat and protect some of the red list species they claim to care so much about and want to help! They would learn a lot of us shooters are extremely knowledgeable true passionate conservationists  with no agenda! Doing a huge amount of work where it really matters! Way beyond just pulling the trigger!!!!  

  2. 2 hours ago, old'un said:

    This is a post from Mark Avery blog, the guy obviously has some idea of pigeon shooting but not a lot, there are vigilantes waiting in the wings if we don’t get the results we need.



     Michael Mole says:


    So am I correct in thinking that when I see a chap all set-up in an empty crop field, during the winter, with his shotgun, his elaborate camo tent and screening, his plastic pigeons pegged-out in front, with more on a constantly rotating contraption and with his dog in waiting, he will no longer be acting legally? Because it is not the breeding season and there's nothing there to protect. Is that correct?
    It has always looked to me like he is there for his pleasure and recreation. The number of his accessories add to the impression that this is a past-time, a hobby and the fact that the farmers crop field is empty. Every single shot he fires makes me feel sick and ruins my day.


    I sometimes wonder who is actually writing some of the stuff on his blogs? A lot of the threads Q&A's Seem to follow similar format. Subtle debate but always make him/them look right!  NB 

  3. 3 hours ago, loriusgarrulus said:

    I am an omnivourist.

    As long as their is plenty of meat along with the potatoes and veg I am happy.

    Same here! Preferably wild or local free range! Each to there own i say!  They another lot worth keeping an eye on! They clever lot on the rise very media savy and spew out a lot of miss information. Targeting youth with hard graphic images and words. Often turn up locally with there masks  "cube of truth"  and try to disrupt open farm days. Even tried to push there agenda buy get'n involved  with local church. Until they realised a lot that attend are farmers and genuine country people! For all there efforts there's a lot more local pig clubs starting up my way by folk that care where there meat come from. Great to barter pigeon and game with for pork and they keeping the old breeds going !  NB 

  4. Swifts returned on local farm Wednesday. Straight in to the nest box's provided on gable as it was raining! will be watched on nest cam by many as in previous years and young ringed before fledging! Turtle doves  settled paired up,calling,displaying  and coming to feeders. Protect them best we can! Spotted fly catchers back  again. Lot of skylarks breeding this year! English partridges seen regularly and doing well!. Buzzard numbers down but breeding. lot of young rabbits out lately so they should do ok! Loads of leverets about so maybe dog walkers are listening to us and keeping dogs on leads in breeding season and keeping to foot paths! Kestrels and owls in box's. Beat the jackdaws to them this year. Hobby's over street and will probably nest  behind the school  again this year. lots of birds and critters visiting newly created flood prevention/farm resivour. Sticklebacks {3 and 10 spine} i rescued from dried up stream and put in will flourish and feed many others! Still seems strange seeing ravens regularly over my part of Suffolk. They breed locally last year but seem to disappear in winter. often little egrets about to.This  level of flourishing wildlife is all on various local farms some of which are game shoots. Where pest control and crop protection is carried out alongside good limited habitat management, creation. improvement and limited supplementary feeding to help turtle doves and other  red list birds. Success and proof that all this works for the good of and all wildlife is backed up  by data from bird ringing and records of pest control.  Some carried out on farms that  have won awards for conservation yet not receiving there farm payments for what they do alongside people like myself. We are not scientists,  have honours or letters after our name and clever words! But  as country folk  we have a lifetime of knowledge and passion for wildlife shooting  conservation. and wonderment of the natural world! like our fathers and grandfathers!  These people and organisations that have limited understanding or self promoting/bigger agenders labelling us "casual killers and wildlife Vandals" by trying to change and take away our ways of controlling pest species  and wildlife conservation, will cause all we do and years of hard work to unravel quickly and any trust that has been built  with the conservation org's and gov bodies in resent years to be lost! The growing number of turtle doves now returning remind me of that!  We have  a significant number of the returning UK population locally.  They have been building slowly over the years from our hard work and knowledge! The org's and trusts wouldn't believe we had them a few years back till we showed them! They were the same with our water voles, barn owls and kingfishers. Wildlife thriving on on farms and even worse shoots just does not fit with there agenda or membership! . . . Sorry to waffle on folks!  But i feel a lot of hard work  done by us real conservationists and people that truly care is gona go down the pan! . . .. . It''s been a hard  week and this is probably in the wrong section!       Atb   NB

  5. Wild Justice blog! On there new blog yesterday they have posted  communications beginning January between there legal team and NE  regarding there challenge on GL and other information. Makes interesting reading  and worth keeping an eye on!

    It says they will been involved in talks,  any changes to GL and policy making in future! Not good!

    Strange they haven't mentioned the 3 licenses that have been issued! I notice Avery's blog site has been taken down now!

    Looks like anti's embedded in NE, DEFRA and government now!    NB


  6. As bad as it may seem now! I was thinking maybe WJ didn't want or expect the licenses to be pulled! NE pulling the licenses like they did has  stolen some of there power and influence. Making them look bad and drawing so much negative attention to them and the issue! Hense them backtracking after the announcement! I think maybe while Juniper was in charge of it they were quietly hoping to have more  influence generally  to get there agenders across and a say in how the licenses would be issued next year etc!? Make it easier to push there other challenges that are coming! Two big self serving egos and org that are hoping to be at the top table and possibly have political influence over shooting and more so agri/environmental  polices!   NB  

  7. 2 hours ago, bluesj said:

    Think that would be the best answer. 👍 

    But I would be interested to know if there is a real answer 

    COMMON SENSE!!! . . . Here's another one. I have followed the antics of  Packham Avery Monbiot and the like for years  in the media and also my local anti's. In particular al ocal  militant vegan activist! Looked to see if they had put anything about the GL. None. But the vegan had put up pics of her and co with a young woodie  she had "rescued" found. Wraped in a towel laying on it's back. Showing no signs of injury but they took it to a vet The vets later told her they had to put it down. Her and her friends then streamed a load of vet bashing for  them doing it. Another clip showed them herding a mallard and ducklings clearly exhausted because they "needed to be on a pond to survive". So under the wild bird protection act and the change in GL these anti "do gooder's" must have filmed themselves braking the law!??

  8. 38 minutes ago, Lucky Shot 1958 said:

    I just spoke with BASC and was told that as per GL31 I could shoot Pigeons as long as other methods to protect the crop had failed,so I am now going to shoot on some rape where a banger and flags have failed miserably to deter the Pigeons.

    I will also fully comply with one of the Pigeon deterrents from GL31.

    •   Woodpigeon models (particularly those with outstretched wings, showing the white wing bars) to give the impression of dead birds.

    Get em on ya magnet LS and really scare em!!! Has been quiet round Suffolk this weekend.  NB

  9. 30 minutes ago, panoma1 said:

    I saw that and came to the same conclusion! NE have no practical experience themselves, just quote selective parts from someone else's work, that support their agenda!....and leave out anything that doesn't!

    Like the police failing to disclose evidence to the defence, that would weaken their case against someone accused of a crime!

    Me to! Think the same. Packham has got away with calling shooters "the nasty brigade" on BBC programs for years! He's now calling us "weekend casual shooters an wildlife vandals". Where is his proven evidence? Why is WJ coming out with this stuff and accusations now!? Has there been any studies other complaints to the orgs gov bodies or prosecutions regarding pest control or the GL? All the info advise and guides  out there i can find  have been around for years! We have followed these rules and regs and it works! It's not like these species are in decline! We are merely managing to control them! It's like they trying to reinvent the wheel! They should be listening to us! Tapping into are vast knowledge of these species how we control them effectively and of wildlife the countryside and conservation in general! We have been doing it for years for no reward or agenda! Another lot of ears to farmers, land managers and keepers. Helping spot and take care of problems and act as a deterrent to the rise in rural crime!   NB

  10. Avery has said on his blog that because Gove copied them in on the letter he sent to Juniper about DEFRA taking on the GL that now makes WJ a stake holder in the new GLs.  HE is the one to watch!!! His blog worth a read for insight on them and info. Other orgs have said WJ a lobbying group and will have no say. . . . . As i have read it now  DEFRA are in control no officer from NE can challenge how you are using the new GL,  And little chance of the police knowing  if we are doing right or wrong!. . . . Has anyone found and read WJs legal challenge and witness statement??

    On a light note. Another pair of turtle doves have turned up my way. Male displaying so probably stay.  Us weekend/casual shooters and  wildlife vandals must be doing something right. Still haven't heard the elusive wood pigeon alarm call!?  Think the much needed showers have helped all wildlife and farmers. Scarecrow comp in local village. At first i thought they must have hell of a pigeon problem.   NB

  11. 26 minutes ago, la bala said:

     as I enjoy shooting.        I would definitely leave that bit out.


    WHY! Leave it in!!! We all do don't we!!!???? It's not a guilty secret! Farmers wildlife  the economy all benefit from what we do! Maybe you should add that they should join pigeon watch read this threads and get a real insight of what  pest control and real conservation is all about and how passionate we are about it!  I would like to think the orgs  do look at/use whats on here. It's  a amaze'n amount of free info/insight from people that  know what they are talking about and doing that are really making a difference!      NB

  12. 2 hours ago, motty said:

    Its laughable! Same as the notion that a pigeon with outstretched wings is a deterrent!

    Really makes you wonder who is actually advising them and where they get there info from? They are spose to be the experts in there field! Excuse pun. Seem to know very little about  very common problem species and how we have been controlling them ok for years!  Even if the woodie had an "alarm call" and we used a recording of it, wouldn't we then be accused of disturbing other birds and wildlife as well by playing it! leading to chilled eggs, starved chicks, abandoned nests and other birds they say they want to conserve leaving the area! Wildlife in general reacts more to other species alarm calls than they do to shotgun report. Woodies tho end up dead or heading to the horizon.. . .. . As a country boy i have been keen on wildlife conservation, shooting and fishing all my life and think i use common sense to control pest problems as and when. As i am sure a lot of us do. I would love to take  some of these folk out in the field and show them why and how we do what we do!  Not only to protect crops and livestock but how wildlife  and the wider rural community benefits from it to!! . . , . . I am  writing this sitting in the middle of a field of knocked back rape in a comfy ol chair dressed in  bright rags  waving my trusty stick.  English partridges  feeding on the bird mix.  The first turtle doves return  again to the copse because we have created the habitat controlled the pests and provide the feed. Buzzards hawks and falcons constantly over head. Farmers, contractors joggers, bikers, dog walkers, and horse riders  passing by all day! Yet still the pigeons keep returning to the field to hammer the rape! Think it's  about time i  used a bit of common sense  and got my gun out and shot them!  Pan fried pigeon breast anyone!? . . . . . It's will never be perfect!!! But it works! If only they would just let us continue doing what we know and passionate about! Talk to us! TRUST US!!! NB

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