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Posts posted by SpringDon

  1. I believe the warranty should be honoured if you can prove servicing was performed to the manufacturers schedule and genuine parts are used. It does not have to be a main dealer.


    However, halfords is the last place I would go. They may not be a fly by night but there is an huge variation in the quality of their staff. Go to an independent garage with a good reputation and see how much they charge. There is a reason why halfords are cheap ( if indeed they are really cheap).

  2. At one time the common advice was to cut a potato and rub it over the screen to prevent misting.Good old-fashioned remedy, or just an old wives' tale?

    I was told this when I started biking many years ago. It's possible it worked against mist but I couldn't really see due to the opaque white mess smeared across the inside of the visor.

  3. Don't know the solid fuel aga but I was told that they can't be run on wood as the firebox isn't big enough. It's coke only.


    The electric conversion (some people go from oil) works very well but the running costs are more or less equal to oil @ 70p plus. Things like using ovens not plates and keeping the lids down make a big difference.


    Oh, and the dedicated new electric aga is more efficient than a conversion. But you'd need to do some maths to see what the break even time is on the new one due to the much higher cost.

  4. Sounds like an earth fault. This can be tested by using a flying lead from -ve on the battery to (say) Earth on the r/h front ( or rear if easier). Try the r/h indicator and if the problem goes away you have the fun job of which connector has corroded or which wire has broken.

    If it was a landrover, I'd say run a permanent earth to the lights. But as it sounds a bit foreign (Norwegian?) it's probably all sealed up with plastic and tinsel.

  5. Injector cleaners (some at least) are proven to work.

    Redex type things are more dubious but there is some evidence.

    But can there be anyone still using slick 50. It has been proven time and again to be ineffective. DuPont say it doesn't work and refused to sell ptfe to the makers who then had to take DuPont to court to force them to sell it to them.

  6. By that reasoning ,and this was first put out by remain, if you are young (and sensible,is the underlying suggestion) you are more likely to vote remain.

    If you are old (and senile,closet nazi blah blah) you are for leave.


    Propaganda worthy of ultra right or ultra left wing politics,and they call Brexiters xenophobes and racists?

    This is the problem on both sides. One accuses the other of xenophobia, the other of conspiracy and lies. Demographic splits exist irrespective of labels of propaganda.

    Perhaps if people promoted the positive of their case rather than concentrating of rubbishing the claims of the other, the picture might be clearer.

  7. What I don't understand is how the polls show Close levels. I would think that the members on here represent a fair cross section of the population and at work we deal with a lot of the general public. The amount of people that are saying out is massively overwhelmingly out. So how do the poles not show this? I do not browbeat people but I do try to convert any waverer to firstly vote on the day and to do their patriotic duty.

    I'd say the members on here tend to be older males and the vocal ones seem to be outers. This is mirrored on a landrover forum I go on.

    However, a friend in Bristol is a remainer and so , it seems, are his younger urban friends. So I think it's a demographic split and there's more people in towns than the country.

  8. A very rich local man has just had eye surgery that's gone wrong in one eye, he's had to go to therapy on this eye and his sight has started getting better, he said he went to the best ? It goes to show it can go wrong where ever you go, but it doesn't really put me off for some reason

    It should go wrong less often at an eye hospital. And if it does you're in the right place, the discounters (depending on the issue) will refer to the nhs.

    I preferred to be talking to the man who would sort any problems should they occur and was happy(ish) to pay for that.

  9. Thanks for the advice everyone, I am 99.9% sure I am going to go for it so now just need to find a company I am happy with. Will try the two big ones ultra lase and optimax and see what the quotes come back like.

    It's one thing where price shouldn't be a big factor. I wasn't at all happy with the optimax consultation so I went to Nuffield. No reason to presume the outcome would be different but they didn't make me comfortable to trust them with my eyes.


    Edit. And Nuffield were the ones that convinced me to have lasek (the none flappy one) because of contact sports.

  10. I had lasik at Nuffield hospital the same day as a friend had lasek at a supermarket type place.

    Both of us were ok but mine was a "nicer" experience, his being more like a conveyer belt and waiting in groups.

    However, his was half the price of mine.


    I'd say my eyes are now more sensitive to irritation and I still get some starring round lights at night (like a scratched visor if you've ever ridden a bike).

    Had chose to have it because I've always needed glasses but when I started needing reading glasses as well, I couldn't cope with varifocals or two pairs of glasses.

  11. With the vast knowledge of the PW doubleglazing experts on here, what would you recommend as a good secure door ?

    Yeah, + 1.

    We just have had double glazing fitting so would be interested in knowing any common failings or upgrades I should consider (without making it into a how to force entry masterclass)

  12. Landy will be imperial, eg if your using a 12 point 13mm socket then the chances of it slipping on a 1/2 inch nut are high, the correct 1/2inch 6 point would grip

    Not strictly true, from 1980 there was a mix of bsf, unf and metric. And that was from the factory, throw in 30+ years of bodging and who knows what it could be.

  13. just looked at some of my photos from when i started, not much help really, still just looked like 2 or 3 bolts to the chassis and bolted on around the radiator, :good::good:

    That's it, three bolts at the bottom to the chassis then about 10 bolts to the wings (actually the wing bolts should be plates with studs but they seldom seem to survive).

    Radiator bolt to front panel.

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