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  1. Apologies for my lack of knowledge here, but I've just Googled the author of Positive Shooting through curiosity of your post. Why shall he not be named?
  2. Honestly, there are a few replies that are genuinely useful and worth following up. On the other hand if I followed some of the other advice, I'd probably end up living in a corrosive atmosphere wich would be absolutely no good for us or the little ones.
  3. She's been around shotguns, air rifles with both me and my 7 yo daughter shooting. There wasn't a problem. She has decided she doesn't want one in the house, whether it's only during her pregnancy or at all, I'm yet to find out. It could come from the increased risk of break ins if any of the local scum find out there is a gun being kept locked up somewhere in the house. Like I said, I've not got to the bottom of it. For the time being I'm going to repect her wishes and I'm going to go though the FEO visit and discuss my options with him/her and go from there. There is never an issue with anything else I get up to, bike, climbing, motorcycles etc. She's pretty good as far as girlfriend's go. Just this time round she's got an issue. So I'll just wait and see. It'll work out in the end.
  4. She'd have been fine with it. You've completey missed the point of the issue.
  5. Cheers mate. I'll get onto her tomorrow and put her straight.
  6. After speaking to the firearms dept. today and quizzing them about whether I can keep the cabinet at my folks (who are happy happy with this arrangement) while it's me with the SGC, the lady seemed pretty convinced it's not possible. She was also quite surprised that other forces allow it. However, she also didn't sound sure that she was right and so basically said go over it it with the FEO when he/she visits.
  7. There have been loads of replies on here all saying the same thing as you, and thanks to all for taking the time to reply. It's this I agree with really. I suppose it may have been a mistake applying while she is pregnant, however it was more of a natural progression from using the club guns etc and I didn't really consider it would be an problem since she didn't have any issues with me shooting in the first place. Lessons learnt there. I'll be calling the FEO this week to see if it is possible have a safe at my folks (who are happy with it) and go from there. Thanks all!
  8. I'd love her to come along with me, if only to show her evening is ok and no one is unsafe. Even better if she said let's have a go, but I think she is just scared of them.
  9. No a bad idea, the problem is the wheels are already in motion. I can't just tell the FEO I want to stop the application without it throwing up questions can I?
  10. Thanks for the replies. Some really good advice, others not so much, but thanks for taking the time all the same I'm going away for a few days tomorrow, I may bring it up again at the end of the week and see how it goes. I have a feeling it won't go particularly well, but if I can get he to talk to me before her stubbornness kicks in then I may be in with a chance of getting though to her.
  11. Interesting! Cheers. Can anyone confirm this? I'll call on Monday either way.
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