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Posts posted by buze

  1. Also, as far as gold leaves go, remember it's a new gun -- the Invictus V also has a 'gold pheasant' when sold in the US, and it's silver in the UK. For all we know, the gun will be plain and decent by the time it's sold here. But, yeah, ~10k for one is a bit silly. Altho, I DO like a bit of creativity on the forend as they did!

    Personally, I've been shooting my V "sporting" for over 3 years, and I'm still delighted with it. It looks fine on game, and fine on clays, and I'd never consider changing -- it's also the best value of the range IMO, considering that to get a /good/ sideplated gun in the other big names would cost several grand more.

    As far as comb height, I don't know, they feel very, very, very similar to krigoff to me, in fact, even the palm swell grip, and other stock dimensions -- to me, with little experience of shooting K -- looks rather similar, almost like someone inspired themselves from the other :-) :-)

    Now as far as the 'high rib' guns, I never got it either, I tried the Ascent a couple of times but coudn't hit a barn door with that configuration. Must be a trap thing.

  2. Driverless car is a pipe dream. It won't happen in our lifetime. The "AI" bits you keep hearing is just fad. It's just neural networks, and neural networks have deep flaws, once of them is that they are so opaque that learning /anything/ new can completely change the profile of behaviour in completely unknown ways, without having a single way of knowing how, why, and when it might go bonkers.

    It's not a new issue, I was working a lot in neural network in the 90's before it was 'rediscovered' as "AI". "safe" neural network would need so much oversight scalar code to catch any runaway behaviour that you might as well program the whole damn thing in scalar mode anyway.

    As far as speed limiting goes, I think it will be interesting to see a million car in the middle lane on the motorway, with lorries using the right lane to overtake! :-)

  3. As someone else around here, I dim my left eye when shooting.

    The argument that you NEED both eyes to judge distance is not enough. You brain judges distances using both eyes, true, but given the distance between your eyes and the resolution of your eyes, it can only use /that/ up to about 25 meters. After that, you need to use other 'clues' that your brain will integrate into your notion of speed and distances. Clues are (not exclusive, might be others) the position of the retina focus muscle, the expected size of the target, the respective size of the background etc.

    Which means you can't say "can't judge distance with just one eye" -- the two eyes are only at their prime usefulness at close distance, after that, they just become another clue added to the rest, with less and less importance as the distance becomes greater.

    The proof is that if you see a 2D still picture of a stand with a clay flying in the background, there's a fair chance you can judge it's distance with just that information, as long as it's not a trick mini or MIDI. Same with a youtube video, you can say, "wow that looks like a 40 yarder" even tho you don't have the binocular vision OR the focus 'clues' to help you.

    Now the /field of vision/ is important, thus keeping your eyes open as long as you can is a good idea; thus the method of squinting your eye JUST as you start seeing the target, to force your (right) eye to take over. With that method, you will have had enough time to use both eyes as long as needed, after that, you still have the remaining other 'clues' to judge the target.

    Also, people tend to forget that your eye dominance WILL change, wether if it's the light (sun to your right, it's likely your right eye will flinch and the left will take over) tiredness, or age. I don't make this one up, you can refer to Brisner's Shotgunning: The art and science where he describes change of eye dominance.


  4. Personally, I'd be seriously worried about being hacked. If there is a signal strong enough to leave your property, it can be reversed engineered most especially as the number of them grow. The mode data, the easier it gets to crack the encryption. And they are MUCH simpler transmitters than say, Wifi and GSM.

    So, the probability is high that they WILL be hacked, it's not a question of IF.

    Once these get hacked, people won't have to sit in front of your house in a hoody to know when you are at home or not. They'll be able to make up a pattern, and that data is extremely valuable to any burglar.

    Likewise, that data is *also* present at your service provider, and you have NO IDEAS what their security measures are, one thing I can promise you tho: they are very very likely to be way worse than your bank. Imagine that.

    The smart meters only have value for the service provider, the installers, and the burglars.  

  5. It's not a nude, it's art. It's like trying to sue boticcelli for having painted naked girls and not enough naked boys.

    It's not like someone cut & pasted a pic of a top model from the interweb, hundred of hours were spent designing this engraving, but a real person, and very very very likely female too.. (as many engravers are)

  6. And I can second the after-sale -- the guys at anglo italian are just stars. I wanted to replace my sportster forend with a trap one, and they just invited me in, let me select the wood that most closely matched my stock, and did all the adjustments needed while I had a coffee and a chat. They also took the gun apart to give it a once-over, and they did the same with my wifes Magnus Syren at no charge, to to make sure all was tip-top.

    Try that with Beretta or Browning :-)

    Since 3 years, i've recommended CG to a few people, and indirectly 'sold' a few, and nobody ever came back to me with less than praise.


  7. Some "advise" from someone going thru the same process -- don't join a club. From what I've seen it's the best way to have way more restriction and hurdles than you can possibly imagine...

    From what I've heard from many people and some instructors who have an FAC, basically the idea is:

    1) Own land or can secure permission on land where you can shoot on and has some vermin. That'll give you .17HMR and/or .22's all day long, if the land is large enough, and is suitable of course. That could also be use for zeroing bigger calibers.

    2) To get a larger caliber, you'd need permission to shoot on land for deer. Now THAT you can't possibly get without experience of course, you need to break it down into:

    2.1) Get experience with bigger calibers. Best way is very likely commercial stalking and range work. We've started doing that; basically you go out of an experience stalker (after quite a bit of range work, if necessary) and stalk, and ultimately he sets up the gun, or sets up with you on high seats and you get your shot. You get to learn/see gralocking and you get a chance to get a carcass to bring home for the freezer. It's /actually/ pretty afordable, compared to a driven pheasant day.

    2.2) DSC1 preparation and exam. If you have that, it opens a lot of doors, and you show 'justification' for a bigger caliber rifle(s). Having booked stalking, receipts, and recommendations from the various places you've been at will help a lot. 

    2.3) Apply for FAC, you might have then justification for a larger caliber, and an open ticket.

    2.4) Then you can go and hope for finding a permission... long shot tho (ahah)

    To help with #2.1, extensive use of the air rifle and practice the various stance will help no end, so that means perhaps join a club for /that/ -- or have a large enough garden.

    Note that I'm a complete newbie at this, but going thru the same process, so I've been looking around a lot and asked a lot of questions :-)


  8. I use the 30" Invictus V as my main clay gun, and have been using perhaps 1k shells per month for the last 30 months or so, and the gun is still nice, tight, and had had zero problem. Would definitely recommend. I've also been shooting it on game, with internal chokes it just looks like a pretty game gun and is excellent even with heavy loads.

    Also, I've seen @Silverpigeon69 's gun a few times, it's fantastic looking and he's pretty mighty with it..

  9. In my uninformed opinions, I'd say terrorists. It's near Belgium which seems to be a hot spot, and near a xmas market which would be an 'ideal' target. 

    Rioters have nothing to win in that sort of situation.

    However, the cynic in me tells me this is a perfect opportunity for the government to ask for 'national unity' and blah blah blah and and kill the yellow jackets movements in it's track. That trick has been used before, many times, and just watch the news tomorrow to see how it'll be used to the best effect.

    Basically the best way to restore some order in the system is to have a war or a terrorist attack. That's why every President (whatever country) likes to have it's pet war around to rally the sense of pride and unity and all that stuff. Or, if not way, a nice terrorist attack will do just fine, thank you very much.

  10. The french wants wide sweeping changes *unless it affects them*. So the manifesto is very 'green' but the petrol tax that was /supposed/ to be ring fenced for green projects affects *them* directly, therefore, that can't possibly do, let's go and burn cars instead.

    It's always like that, Macron is not the first president to arrive with Big Plans, backed by a real election -- he wasn't self-appointed like here; however every single president got his change plan shot down repeatedly until nothing was left and his 'reputation' was in tatter as soon as he tried to implement anything.

    Because Hollande ALSO came in with plans, and Sarkosy as well -- and they were shut down by the system's sclerosis and the 'street' -- same people who had elected them. Hollande actually completely gave up in disgust; and Macron now is in the same, useless seat.

    It's funny to me that they propose massively hiring civil servants too -- civil servants in france are effectively a caste -- they have their own banks, supermarkets, access to money, holidays, properties, cars and they are paid more as they get older. I grew up with a guy who works for one of the massive state companies, and he's retiring in 2 years at... 52 years of age, with a fat pension -- his job *since the beginning* was to spend the money the company has to pay into a fund called "commité d'entreprise" for employees, so basically his whole life he spent organising the Photo club, the private airfield with gliders and other stressful things.

    I'm completely apolitical, I just watch the system from a distance since I've been expat for 20 years, but I think it's sad to see -- I rarely go in france anymore, but I always leave with a mix of disgust and pity.


  11. Disclosure: I shoot an CG Invictus 5 for 2+ years (bought it on the same say as @Silverpigeon5 !!)

    Yesterday I was doing a round of FITASC with a rather fresh shooter with his new beretta at AC Sporting. On stand 2, he couldn't close his gun, the top lever wouldn't come back. After a bit of inspection, the top lever was completely loose and the next cartridge would probably have made the action explode. The guy was pale with fear and told us he had shot less than 200 carts with this brand new gun.

    Invictus still feel as tight and neat and lovely as they day I picked it up :-) -- my 1/2 chokes are a bit 'cooked', and there IS some minor signs of wear if you know where to look, but I've shot perhaps 25k+ carts with it and it hasn't missed a beat.

  12. I use PVA to seal everywhere, helps a lot, especially for the first coat.

    Alternative to painting is to vinyl it, I did that on a couple of pieces (especially if the edges aren't visible) and it looks pretty good too.

  13. Careful of superglue, it's not heat-safe, so migth just melt away if you heat the barrels at some point.

    On my SxS I resolved the loose bead by a microscopic piece of PTFE tape, and some Loctite (the stronger 'stick' one)... I don't think it'll move again. 

  14. I've been using superglue as a finish slightly differently. Take a credit card, some medium superglue and 'spread it' on a surface, then scrape it flat, and do it again a few times to build it up. Then wet sand flat, do it again, and eventually polish. You get a nail-hard finish that is excellent and probably bulletproof!

    I can definitely swear by the finish you get, it's really hard as stone, almost glass like.

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