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Posts posted by Mallyshag

  1. Having just read this topic has re-lit my desire to give wildfowling a go.

    I have shot for many years but lost interest 4 years ago and only recently have I actually opened the gun cabinet up.

    Typically none of my old clobber fits anymore and the lab is getting on a bit as well....

    Also, there is no 'fowling over here, which is a problem....


    Id love to find an old punt to restore.... As if I have the time!

  2. It's an awful program!


    I purchased an Amazon TV stick thing for SWMBO and all I can hear is the sound of zombies tearing into C-list actors.


    It does keep her quiet though, so was money well spent! :yes:


    I don`t, it`s for a friend, who does. :)


    That`s a bit like me saying why would you want a shotgun with a SxS configuration? Personally I don`t like SxS guns, not so much because of the look but because of how they feel and shoot. But hey, if you like them it has nothing to do with me. It`s just a personal choice.


    Nowt as queer as folk then! :lol:

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