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  1. You are correct i have seen it to, it is returning back home. key to its success will be pricing that's why the rest failed to big and pricing. talked to a few stores year before the last one and what they were charged was unbelievable they were saying that they would after have a good day on the Saturday just to break even. and they were all getting smaller pitches so less products due to cost. do more business of the internet so not worth them coming was the general comment off them, specially when trying to negation on price.
  2. Hi and thanks, South Wales you right the last person was great that I spoke to and said the mentor can be removed after six months so don't see the point of upsetting anyone just had set back with the financials so it be while before I can have the resources to buy my own. So was thinking buy amo and use the mentors with him.
  3. Thanks for the replays nothing on my Fac only when hire or lending that the conditions must apply. I am stuck with these conditions tho
  4. Hi all anyone got a picture or a copy of a shooting log or dairy I could look at to use why I am under a mentor ? Also can I use his gun while with him until I get my own? Welcome feedback
  5. thank's all , i am sure to be posting more questions
  6. Hi all just though i say hello, also how may members are near me new to guns
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