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Posts posted by Dr_Scholl

  1. Honestly? not really ! Unless had some anti material use for it.

    Although im not against have a go with something people are curious by nature.

    I just don't understand why any sane person would want to own something like that.

    I wouldn't shoot it it looks uncomfortable and loud


    The recoil isn't as bad as you might think due to the weight. The Barrett M82 is said to have recoil equivalent to a 12 gauge loaded with 00 buck.


    As for the reason of owning one, it's mostly a rich mans range toy. You can't just walk into a gun store and buy one. Even if you could, the price would be prohibitive. I'm sure that thing goes for at least $20,000. The Barrett M82 goes for 9-10K, not including the scope.

  2. :rolleyes:

    Its an anti-tank gun, it belongs on a battlefield.

    And you kids would like to play with one :oops:

    This reminds me of the GSG thread.

    I forget how childish some of you are :lol:

    See, I keep my guns to shoot various things. Game, vermin.

    Not to impress my mates down the range. :good:

    Range wallers should only be allowed .22 lrs :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Are you trying to say you wouldn't try that out if given the chance? I don't believe you.

  3. At approximately 38,000 foot-pounds of kinetic energy, the 20mm Vulcan round fired out of the Anzio Rifle has over three times the power of the .50 BMG cartridge fired out of a comparable rifle, which is around 12,200 foot pounds of kinetic energy. The 600 Nitro Express, the second most powerful African Big Game Gun cartridge, and one of the most common, has around 8,200 foot pounds of kinetic energy, making the Anzio Rifle in 20mm Vulcan about 4.8 times as powerful as the 600 Nitro Express.


    Just found this

    Why the **** are Americans playing with guns like that?


    Because..we can? :D

  4. A lot of us Brits recognise what the yanks did to help us and the rest of the world when you joined in WW11. The sad thing is you have always been late, based your action a bit too much on self-interest and not altruism and always first relied upon the brits to resist alone.

    A huge number of American men and women and Brits gave their lives in the war and many yanks volunteered before the US was attacked by Japan, thinking of others.

    We do well to think of the individual sacrifices, whomsoever they were and not propaganda, whatever its source.

    Just a personal view.


    You realize i'm kidding, right?

  5. Here are my two Pence that may offend you - but hey, the Gay agenda offends me.


    In my humble opinion, our genes let our basic human sexuality attach to anything. That means, any human can find just about anything erotic. By anything, I mean a Man or a Women can become sexually charged with the same sex or different sex partner, or with boys, girls, animals, inanimate objects and even dead people. Humans have shagged and been shagged by most of the above through history. Always leading to the collapse of the family and then society at large.


    In the ancient world of the Greeks, Romans, the samurai of Japan, and other cultures – homosexuality, paedophilia, and bi-sexuality was rampant. There was no gay thing to deal with as everything was in the open and everything went. And so went those cultures down the drain, washed away mostly due to their rampant perverted life style. In such cultures the family (the corner stone of any society) suffers, then fails – and then the rest of society collapses.


    It was Judeo-Christian principles, starting with the Jews, that started to change peoples attitude toward an anything goes sexual culture. And for the record; Jews and Christians are not prudes or old fashion when it comes to sex. They just believe that it is a gift from God, and that anything goes for a married couple of one man and one woman. God created Man & Woman to be in a dedicated monogamous relationship with each other. This loving heterosexual monogamous relationship is the best way to have and raise children, thus creating a stronger society.


    Anything other than sex within a married heterosexual relationship leads to problems that we are all too familiar with. Boys without dads joining gangs as they look for a family bond; girls looking for a stong father figure in the wrong places getting pregnant multiple times by multiple males thus creating more boys and girls that get into more trouble, trouble that we all pay for in terms of high crime rates, dole payments for single Mums and unproductive people who take more than they give back.


    All that said, homosexuality has everything to do with genes as our genes tell us to copulate everything and everyone, of any sex or thing, that we may fancy. It is a choice to be hetrosexual, Gay, or Bi, or a paedophile. Most choose to be "normal" and have a desire for a monogamous heterosexual relationship due to a proper upbringing in an in-tack home that promotes (either consciously or unconsciously) Judeo-Christian values and beliefs.


    About sexual choice, and how some same it's not a choice: I would say that the very strong desires people have, maybe since birth, to be gay, bi, etc, may seem like anything but a choice at all because those desires are so strong. Nonetheless, it is still a choice to sleep with a same sex partner, or any sex partner for that matter. It is not a choice to not eat, sleep, be black, white, asian, or have a bowel movement. It is a choice to have sex with someone.


    If you have the time, and if I had not put you off, listen to these two podcasts. You may find them interesting.


    http://kenspiro.com/audio.php Click on "World Perfect"




    Thanks, I needed a good laugh.

  6. I don't know if there's a gene, but people are definately born gay. My mom's youngest brother is gay and he didn't choose to be that way. He told us from the time he was a kid, he knew he was different and that he wanted to be attracted to women, but never was.

  7. I saw a program on tv about this some time ago they had several different firms designing prototypes and this was the one that they decided on it was no good us being involved out pockets are not big enough/empty. :look:


    The F-35B was built specifically for the U.S Marine Corps. It's also caused by far the most problems with the program and there has been talk of cancelling it. That was the main reason the Marines bought the Harriers from the Royal Navy, to keep their Harriers flying in case the F-35B gets cancelled.

  8. Sorry to hear about your grand dad chap.


    Nice looking piece, it looks mint.


    What other beauties has he got?


    Pre-64 Winchester 94 in .32 Special. According to my father it's about 60 years old.


    Remington Model 11 which belonged to my great-grandfather. The serial number indicates it was built around 1925.


    S&W .357 Magnum SS w/6 inch barrel.


    Astra A-75 40 caliber pistol


    Norinco(Chinese) SKS with aftermarket black polymer stock.


    Just to name a few.

  9. First, let me give you some background information on my grandfather. He joined the U.S Navy in 1948 as an officer and served for 25 years as a pilot. He's always had an interest in guns and has 16, but we never really considered him a "gun" guy. Anyway, his health has been declining for over 10 years, and on Christmas Eve he fell, hit his head and broke his neck. The doctor has said that given his age and pre-existing health problems, he only has a few weeks to a month. It's been a very difficult time for my family to say the least.


    In preparation for when it happens, the family has been cataloging my grandparents things. My dad and I were put in charge of the guns. Turns out he has 19 guns, 7 or 8 that we didn't even know about. But one in particular really stood out from the rest...a Colt Series 80 Gold Cup National Match pistol. It was one of Colt's higher end 1911's that they made from 1983 to 1996. No one knew he had it. It's just been sitting in his office safe for 16 years. A very beautiful pistol that I was happy to find, but given the circumstances, it's kind of bitter sweet. :(



  10. I'm stuck in the 80's!!

    I did like Miami Vice but overall I'm a Starsky and Hutch fan.Haven't seen the newer Starsky and Hutch film and never will as you can't replace Paul Michael Glaser or David Soul.

    As for Miami Vice I liked the clothes they wore and the weather was always stunning!!

    I did have Jan Hammer's album 'Escape from Television' and it is superb-you get lost in it!


    Starsky and Hutch was in the 70's. ;)

  11. Chiggers are little bugs that burrow under the skin in America. Can be very dangerous for reasons stated in other posts. You don't always know you have been got. No symptoms for a long time. Bites are like midge bites, itchy red lumps


    Lymes disease symptoms like flu and ME and general fatigue but months after infection


    Chiggers are a nuisance more than anything. The place where I hunt and shoot has tons of them in the spring and summer months. I got them bad back in August when I was setting up a tree stand and some trail cams. Horrible creatures, itch 10 times worse than any mosquito. But they don't transmit Lymes Disease as far as I know. You can only get that from Deer Ticks.

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