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Posts posted by sapper063

  1. sunday 06-40 arrived at my shoot had a quick cuppa while i got kitted out, took a steady walk usual route keeping close to the hedges, not signs of rabbits about but its beggining to look like its going to be a sunny day. approached where there is a badger set the ground had been disturbed about 6 meteres from the set not only disturbed it was a 6ft long by 2ft wide hole which had been filled back in and it was fresh, ok i thought we have badger baiters about, phoned farmer he came and had a look. he did not like it one bit as it did look like a grave ?,

    he phone local police which they told him not to touch it, 20 mins later police arrived with a spade started digging (they got kinda muddy) when radio went off and they was told to leave it alone till seargent could come out and have a look

    seargent arrived inspected the hole then got on radio for for advice of the inspector who then had to get advice of advisors.

    radio went again police were told to carry on digging. just then farmer arrived with jcb. using it he dug all the loose soil out of hole. and guess what all what was found was 3 empty fresh shotgun cartriges these they took away as there is no one uses shotguns on this permission,


    so was it badger baiters or was someone digging something up your views please.


    ps i know my grammer aint good.

  2. hi you will love it, few directions from the harbour with your back to th fortress turn right till you get to mc donalds turn left go up the hill thats where the bars are, also try a cyprit night. from harbour again walk straight up hill to lights turn left more bars and if you carry on along this road you will need car 3 ks along laura beach hotel right next to it the EL PASO BAR call in and say hi to mike hes the big guy behind bar you will find him a mine of information and if he dont know one of his many cousins will. try his spare ribs, carry along this road and you will reach coral bay best beach. best drink cypruit sour brandy (tourist one) or Keo beer if you smoke RED GOLD LEAF. HAVE A GOOD TIME


    PS check out if the monk is still living in the monestary on the golf course.

  3. couple of years ago i always phoned police when going shooting and coming back, Then they phoned me and said please dont phone anymore as it is putting there incident reports up.. they said they knew my name, my car,and if anyone reported shooting in my area they would check with me before responding. so i dont bother now unless im after a town fox.

  4. well ive packed my suitcase fly out tommorow 6 am , how am i going to do it for 8 days. beer festival. o my god think ill take panadol now for hangovers

    hope weather picks up or ill be spending even more time in beer tents. well someones got to do it, 8 nights 3 star hotel half board £332 for both of us, cant go to skeggy for weekend for that price. see you all when i get back, and good hunting. rabbits will be a bit fatter when i get back

  5. ive been using ryan air for 5 years no problems exept when i clicked the payment button twice. but if i had read it says only press once. but the exess money was put back in the following day. i booked 2 flights to gerona return in june. for the 23 sept costing only £72 inc baggage and all charges the same flights now cost in exess of £300. the early bird catches the bargains.

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