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Posts posted by sapper063

  1. i rang the police every time i went shooting that would open an incident report then i would close the incident report when i got back home, i did this for several weeks and then recived a phone call, from the police to say please dont ring us every time you go shooting as we know where you shoot ,what make of car, and we have you mobile number. if there are any reports of shooting they would check with me first, telling them you are going shooting every time makes a lot of incident reports over a month and does not look good on the monthly returns.

  2. i have angina and trying to find travel insurance which does not cost me more than holiday

    well guys i have found an insurance company who dont rip you off as long as you have an eu medical card just charged me £39 for an annual policy

    have a look if you have medical condition www.ehicplus.com

  3. hi everyone , bit of advice please my shooting partner is in lust, so i will have to go lamping solo, which lamp is best for a cz 22lr with mamba scope , ie only need to shoot up to 80yds , and what colour filter if any, thank you and good hunting

  4. i have bt broadband+btvision cant be beaten to many proggrammes to watch and cheap as chips check it out one of the many good features is you can record 2 proggrames and still watch another or watch one recorded proggrame and record another one

  5. shot shot cheers for that but im looking for a single shooter game not an multi player one as i cant keep up with them bodys willing but mind is not so any help would be fantastic

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