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Posts posted by Glenshooter

  1. its interesting that you differentiate between the commonwealth countries where the majority are white and those that aren't......which seems to be something that anti ukip people do trying to tarnish ukip as racist.




    Er no, but I'll give you a clue to my differentiation - GDP in $bn / pop in millions is -


    One group 67, 37, 58


    and the other group -


    0.8, 9.0, 1.5, 0.9, 0.6, 2.9, 1.3


    Guess which is which?


    Colour had nothing to do with it. At least not to me.

  2. Best post of the thread.

    Agree. Excellent post and thanks for that. I may well vote UKIP myself - as I agree with most of that. Just wish other UKIP supporters were so rational. And, I'm in a totally safe tory seat of >20,000 majority so no chance of me helping to let in labour/SNP .

  3. There is a difference between non eu countries and commonwealth countries.


    Ukip are pro commonwealth..........so am I they are our extended "family" as such...... Its the commonwealth where we should be looking for the immigrants we need, and to be fair where we get a lot of nhs staff from.


    We historically have ties with these countries and is where I feel we can benefit each other, and should be doing trade and migration.


    Ukip also agrees that we should take refugees........


    Eu migration is a major drain, as is eu membership...... We all would be better off out of it


    Agree with you on much of that re EU. Just surprised that UKIP believe we 'should be doing trade and migration' with the Commonwealth, which of course, in addition to countries like Australia, New Zealand and Canada, other countries like Bangladesh, Botswana, India, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Pakistan etc.


    I thought that UKIP didn't want more immigration from Pakistan and India? Which I believe the coalition have also reduced.


    You've given a very different view of UKIP policy than I was led to believe from the UKIP guys around here.



    Why don't you ask your local Tory/Lib Dem and Labour representatives?


    After all it would be them who have put in place any legislation regarding your question. It's interesting that it's the coalition who have reduced the number of non EU migrants to this country, not UKIP. In fact UKIP would want to forge closer links with non EU countries, predominantly those who are members of the Commonwealth. I would think therefore that their position regards your question would likely be more relaxed than that of the present government.


    I thought a criticism from many UKIP supporters of the current coalition was that it didn't reduce immigration from non-EU countries??

  5. why?




    So you've now figured out who the background people in 'your' beloved party are.


    Did you not just write this a minute or two ago ?


    I take it you dont have a telly or get newspapers? he hasn't been deputy chairman since April 2014 try some other smear mate.

  6. Quite a few years ago i got advice of a lady very well recommended locally usually had a waiting list and had a great reputation, my folks recently changed to her and were very happy.

    Long story short she was in process of selling her business and was just wanting as many clients/business as possible to make it look better.for selling

    I didn't have a lot of different investments but she moved everything (so she then gets initial commission in early commission)..........


    she was obviously just going for the best commission


    That's exactly what was about to happen to me. I felt uncomfortable with what she was doing and getting glib answers re transferring funds which would have given her £12k with no obvious advantage to me.


    That's why I asked if there were any IFAs on here, (logic being the shooters are more trustworthy than non shooters on average (!!!) and certainly more interesting), and had a email discussion with Bentos followed by a meeting with him.


    He is everything that that other IFAs that I've met and worked with have not been. Straight speaking but friendly, open and transparent with absolutely no pressure.

  7. Hey,


    Drop me a pm and I can understand what you need to know and want to know, they are often different, if I can help without advice as a favour I will, if it heads into the realms of financial jiggery pockery I will tell you and before it gets to far we work out if can work together or not.


    Some of us are not the second cousins of estate agents twice removed that we sometimes seem to portray.




    I should have said that the guy I was speaking about 2 post up, is indeed this guy! Bentos, top man.


    And does what he says.



  8. There is indeed an excellent IFA on this site......


    I've had one meeting with him and I learned and was helped more in the one hour with him, than 4 or 5 expensive hours with my previous IFA, at a fraction of the cost and totally transparent. Quick response as well.

  9. we need a new thread entitled will liebor get into bed with the SNP I say if its the only way for ed he will do it.



    Don't need a thread to discuss that. It's as certain as anything can be that he will. And, TBH, it makes sense for him.


    Probably will ****** the country as labour did last time.


    And just wait for the increasing non-EU immigration, particularly from South Asia. And cuddling up to Jean-Claude Juncker et al...

  10. Miroku/Browning firing pins almost always get pitted and the tips will gradually erode until eventually the gun will fail to fire. Usually the bottom barrel goes first. Fortunately they're pretty cheap to replace, although the question as to why it still happens after 50 years in production is still open; especially since other gun makers seem to be able to make pins that don't erode.


    Apart from the firing pins the quality is okay for the money and the fit and finish is reasonable too. Decent enough guns but nothing special.

    Interesting point this. I was getting a gun serviced recently and the gunsmith remarked at the good state the firing pins were in and guessed the cartridges that have been used. His opinion was if I'd been using other brands (and mentioned Eleys), there may well have been more pitting/damage to the firing pins from the primers that they use.

  11. Pot kettle black,just 3 words that spring to mind,you are one of the famous three,that cannot resist having a go on every UKIP thread,as i thanked mike i also thank you for keeping UKIP in the front of peoples minds for so long, most other threads are lucky to reach 5 pages, with you mike and overandunder on board we are guaranteed maximum publicity and at least 20 pages.Bless you psycowatsit for your help in this and all other UKIP threads :yes::good:


    Sometimes the old adage of 'there's no such thing as bad publicity', isn't true.


    I think that some UKIP supporters in this thread have encouraged and deepened the old stereotype negative views of their party. They seem desperately defensive if anyone seeks to understand the logic of switching to UKIP. Bewildering and unattractive.

  12. Keep forgetting some are a tad sensitive here ah bless,leaving Europe now wont happen you know that I know that, but there is a growing retreat from it, and one day we will out, and it wont happen without the likes of UKIP stirring the pot, do you think immigration and Europe would have been on the agenda otherwise?if so delusion or blind faith are the is the only terms I can use.


    Personally I detest new labour with a vengeance I consider their diverse and inclusive experiment (done purely in order to sway the electoral map) nothing short of treason, but and its a very big but after 5 years of giving the con men a chance (yes last time I voted for them) and seeing how they have solely hit the less fortunate whilst leaving the real thieves robbers and scumbags alone, I hope that if UKIP could not be part of any coalition then I would settle for a labour SNP pact , at least we would know where we stood.





    Actually, the person who seems most sensitive on this matter is you. Any criticism implied or otherwise of UKIP and you launch into a tirade.


    However, the only chance we have of getting out of Europe is to have a conservative government next time. And if that does happen, which is unlikely for a number of reasons - one of which is that it now looks unlikely that Cameron will be PM, the vote could well result in us staying in Europe. With all the anti-EU rhetoric there has been over the last number of years, nobody has coherently argued the case for staying in the EU and if they did, in the run up to a poll (and that assumes there are good reasons), it is possible that the great British public, 85% of whom are not UKIP supporters, could well vote to stay. I believe a recent poll in the last week or so suggests that the majority of the British public want to stay in the EU - but it's too close to call at the moment, AFAIK.


    What amazes me is someone like you, who hates conservatives as you do, is a supporter of a party that contains right wing ex-conservatives like Neil Hamilton and the two defecting conservative MPs.

  13. Pure bigoted drivel,fed up with a vocal minority screwing it up for the rest ? you really are greek that's whats happening now did you vote lib? and do you know anyone else that voted lib in order to let plum gob into no 10? no so perhaps its you that's on another planet, or do you really believe we have a democratically elected govt in power now? as I certainly dont.


    You dont even understand the term change and the need for change but the British public are starting to clamor for it, they have had enough of non representative representatives!! they have had enough of not being in control of our own country, they have had enough of seeing the big boys let off the hook regards paying their dues, following the mess they made (but I forgot it was the disabled man on benefit with a spare room that brought the worlds finances down silly me) and they have had enough of the man at the bottom being solely targeted with austerity measures to try to repair the mess the country is in, like it or not oh one with sand in ears, change IS coming it may take a few more elections but change is on its way, better get plenty of cheap plates in?


    Oh and as for leaving Europe? this in itself not going to sort us out immediately but getting our country back in our control is a start , getting rid of our stupid commitments to Europe and waving bye bye to the unelected buffoons who are dictating MY way of life will be a breath of fresh air for our nation something so so badly needed NOW as is a bolt on the door.




    Wish you could respond to a post without having a hissy fit and throwing insults.


    If you think this country is going to leave Europe, please tell me how this is going to happen? Projections are giving UKIP a handful of seats at most in our first past the post system, labour will probably have the biggest number of seats but short of a majority and EU loving SNP will back them up in opening the borders to more immigration from outside the EU. So if you're happy to have EU loving, immigration friendly, Red Ed in power after May, supported by probably the most enthusiastic EU advocates of all, then you should cheer up as that's the most likely outcome. At least you'll be rid of the hated conservatives.

  14. i doubt it mate with out nigel theres no credible leaders i think its a dead duck if he bails. i agree everyone wants something new but ukip are just torys but further to the right that want out of europe (cant blame em for that) so theres not much new there really. just my opinion of course not to be taken as gospel.


    Agree. Around here the UKIP people that I've spoken to are ex-(far right) tories and ex-BNP. Not exactly an attractive proposition for me. They wouldn't just cut some people's benefits, they'd ban benefits to anyone, judging by their rhetoric on the street a few months ago.

  15. Is that the best you can do (wondered how long it would take before some dummy posted that, please try harder if smears are to be made by the way he should find plenty of work in amongst the cons as they are all ***** depending on your individual take




    Oops, a bit prickly are we?

  16. nice to see the kippers still think they are the enlightened ones and that the british people all think like them and ukip will "give the people what they want" erm why are they such a small party if thats true :lol: and they say everyone else wears blinkers or are blind !!!!


    wonder where ukip will be when nigel resigns in may, wonder if he will keep that promis after all im sure nigel wouldn't lie to the people. time will tell :lol:

    When Nigel retires after he's handed Milliband the election but only gaining a few seats for UKIP, and the country gets opened to unlimited immigration as the last labour government did and we give more away to the EU than ever before, one who could lead the party is their current Deputy Chairman, Neil Hamilton. That well known bastion of honesty and morality. Frightening indeed.

  17. MrM, UKIP will do very well to get 3 seats, 2 is possible and 1 most likely. There is no hope at all of any sort of formal coalition deal with UKIP.

    That's what the polls seem to be suggesting. And has been said frequently, the big risk is that the Conservative vote is split in marginals and labour get in. They will lose their Scottish seats, but if UKIP split the 'non labour vote in marginals or even relatively safe conservative seats, then we'll have Ed as PM.


    The only way to get a referendum on Europe, is to vote conservative.

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