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About rhodes

  • Birthday 17/11/1974

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    clays only - don't like killing stuff!!

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  1. Ian (Spaniel) what a great post, you have almost read my mind!!! You have hit on all the things that would make me want to shoot, and all the things that would put me off. Like you say, until I try then I'm never to know. Thanks!
  2. "THE REASON I ASK IS I WANT TO SHOOT LIVE QUARRY"....mmm me thinks not!! Your profile interests states clay shooting only..."I DONT LIKE KILLING THINGS" So either you have had a severe change of heart(in very very short space of time)or the reason for your post is mischief making! Ok, let's re-phrase that - I WANT TO BE COMFORTABLE WITH SHOOTING LIVE QUARRY!!! That's what this whole thread is about, me talking to others asking what their reason are for killing something. And yes, when I filled in my profile I hadn't spent the time gaining the views of those more experienced than me in order to be comfortable with it. I'm learning here, a break would be nice.
  3. I value all your responses. The reason I ask is because I WANT to shoot live quarry, for the pot, for pest control, and because I know I would enjoy it. However, as a town dwelling soul who's meat has always been skinned by removing the plastic packaging, I feel I need a reason to shoot. That's what I was looking for from my post. Hope this makes sense.
  4. Interesting responses, I'm enjoying the discussion/feedback. And only the one or two paranoid 'attacks'. A credit to the majority of you.
  5. i used to sell dead foxes to a Chinese restaurant, and i am not kidding. They must taste good in batter then!
  6. sorry everyone but got to go out for dinner with my mum!! I know, such a mummy's boy!! we're off for a Chinese, maybe they'll have live lobster and I can pick one - does that count!?!?!
  7. I have shot greys before. My house was surrounded by woodland and they used to get into the loft and make a right mess!! Pest control said I should thin the population, so I did. As I sais, I don't mind doing so if I can justify it. And, if I'm honest I enjoyed having a legitimate reason to spend all night in the shed!! I didn't eat them thugh, didn't know you could. The dogs loved them though!!
  8. Sorry, I over emphasised that point. I would also shoot for pest control, athough ideally for both at the same time!!
  9. All good feedback. I want to shoot live quarry, but would have to 'justify' it to myself first.
  10. the trouble with engaging in discussion with persons who have a solid opinion of what they believe is right is that they may twist things around to make it suit, and then broadcast it wherever they can. you wont change their minds. It would be like trying to show someone who enjoys shooting quarry that it is a pointless and damaging activity! So the world should progress without discussion or debate then. In fact, just abolish democracy while you're at it!!
  11. whole heartedly agree, but I won't kill it unless I plan to eat it! No, I put 99% of what I catch back alive. I find most fish a bit uninspiring as a dish, but I keep Cod, Bass, Sole, Mackerel, Turbot (I wish ) occasional Whiting, if they're big. I would keep Haddock if I could get anywhere near one mmmm..... fresh whiting fishcakes!!!
  12. whole heartedly agree, but I won't kill it unless I plan to eat it!
  13. No problem, I thought I might get that kind of response. And besides, even though I'm not, as long as the discussion was well presented why would anybody be afraid of engaging an 'anti' into a decent discussion. Surely you then have the ability to make them understand. Pushing them away without even establishing whether they want a 'decent' debate or not simply strengthens their argument.
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