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  1. I've just started a new job and as the pay is pretty decent I'm looking to move somewhere a bit nicer than I live at the present moment. So I've been trawling through all the rental properties in my price range. Plenty of quite nice properties available and I have no objection to putting down a reasonable sized bond. What is really ******* me off are the estate agent's fees. Again I don't object to a reasonable charge, but some are charging £120+ for an application, and if you don't end up getting the property, it's non-refundable. It's just daylight robbery! I know this is something May has promised to crack down on if she wins the election. Can't happen soon enough imo. Bunch of thieving slimeballs! If we have any estate agents on here who would care to justify these charges for filling in some paperwork and arranging a look around a property I'll be all ears.
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