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22 hornet?

Evil Elvis

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Please tell my CZ527 that it is only capable of moderate accuracy as it must have missed that day at school. Bugholes at 100 yards, and a 1/2inch group the only time I tried it at 225 yards. Unless we're talking benchrest, that's a lot better than moderate.


And no doubt you are hung like John Holmes as well. A 1/2" group at 225 yds equates to a .22" group at 100yds. I doubt many Hornets are that accurate and I seriously doubt you would get that accuracy with factory loads. You also have to consider that to hit dead on at 225yds you have to be 4" high at 100yds. For me the .223 is just a better all round option particularly if you don't plan to reload but to each their own.

Edited by Rem223
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I don't consider the Hornet and 223 to be an either-or. They're different tools for different jobs. Hornet excels when you want a quiet 150 yard fox and rabbit tool; 223 when you are ok with some more noise and want to push it further.


I haven't tried factory stuff through this Hornet; not paying a quid a bang for stuff I can make for 26p. My Hornet only really likes the 35gr v-max bullet, but it likes it enough that I am not complaining. I bought it for those times when 223 goes a bit far or makes a bit much noise. It hits hard to about 175-200 yards and falls away thereafter. My scope is a ballisic plex so has lines to get me to 225, beyond that I lose too much velocity anyway so the bullet won't expand.


Therefore, it's pretty much perfect in its role so I don't begrudge it being ammo fussy!

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