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Shotgun Cabinet Wanted


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As it says. I'm after a 4/5 capacity gun cabinet at least, nothing smaller. Budget is £100. Obviously i'm happy not to spend all that if there's a slightly bigger cabinet out there for that money i won't be too upset.


I'll pickup up to 100 miles for the right one.


What have you?


EDIT: Have spoken to the PW usual favourite Paul hart but he's not down this area again for another month at least. Just looking to see if anything comes up before then.

Edited by Markio
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I may well have a 6/7 - its made by G&C Security Products, twin locks each with 2 keys, 130x40x25cm available in the next week or two, I could drop it off at my parents near Royston if it helps ref collection as I am NW Hants.

PM me an email I can send you some pictures tonight/tomorrow.

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