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eating your free bounty


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After shooting what must be a couple of hundred rabbits over the last year between the two of us, half a dozen hares and a good few pigeons and chucking them in the freezer i have been promising myself a game pie. after a bit of surfing the net i found what read like a decent recepe on the bbc food web site, i decided to debone the four freshly shot rabbits before cooking this i found was easier than i expected complete with a boned hare a plump phesant and six pigeon breasts the pie was on its way, we made five large pies and four small pies with the filling, we had two large ones for tea tonight and even my two kids 12 and 10 and the wife really enjoyed the meal and even washed it down with some ipa. worth trying if anyone has any recepes for rabbit burgers or something other than just boring dried up roasted meat i will enjoy reading.

I will say as i am sure many will think i i had to throw my quary in the ditch i would not enjoy shooting half as much.

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Cheers thank you all for the wellcom

one thing after reading quite a few posts on the forum it is quite bad in my opinion that new members are sometimes shotdown in flames with a torent of abuse for what seems to me a reasnable question and deserves a fair answer, not told to go and search google and stop wasting time, i think these pillocks must be arm chair shooters with to much time on there hands.

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