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Do is scared of water!


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Hey guys. I have a year old Collie cross Hunterway (Max is is name)


Took Max to the beach not long ago and he just wouldnt go in the water. Maybe it was the waves that scared him. Anywho was out for a walk the other day and came to the river. Must be knee deep in the deepest part. Again he just didnt want to go in. Where as my lab just went for it and didnt seem to care at all.


How can I get Max to go in the water. Is it a case of going in with him (If so ill have to get some waders! lol)


Hope you can help me and Max out.




Sammy D

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Some dogs take to water naturally but some not I'm afraid, just keep taking him to the waterside and let the dog get comfortable, rivers can seem less intimidaiting to dogs than the sea so try your local river

Edited by Hezbear
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Find some totally flat water ( no waves!) with a very gentle sloped entry, and chuck biscuits progressively further out for him to reach. My dog (cocker) swims like a fish and even bodysurfs on the beach now, but he doesn't like a steep entry - he's very careful, unlike my sister's lab which would charge off the end of a jetty with a full-on belly-flop.

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