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firearms cert where do i start

jasons gold

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On next tuesday i have got a f.e.o coming to interview me for my firearms cert thats the easy part, but because i have requested a sound moderator he is requiring a letter from the land owner why i need a moderator even though i have already stated on my application form it's for health and safety grounds due to already losing some of my hearing due to shooting and my work as a carpenter surely that can't be right, but if it is what should be written in this letter.

Then he wants me to have a deer mentor which is fine, as i have already been doing this for over 6 months , But i have said that i will write this letter and get my mentor to sign it but what does it exactly have include/say.

I have searched the net for standard letters but can't find any



Any body

Edited by jasons gold
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On next tuesday i have got a f.e.o coming to interview me for my firearms cert thats the easy part, but because i have requested a sound moderator he is requiring a letter from the land owner why i need a moderator even though i have already stated on my application form it's for health and safety grounds due to already losing some of my hearing due to shooting and my work as a carpenter surely that can't be right, but if it is what should be written in this letter.

Then he wants me to have a deer mentor which is fine, as i have already been doing this for over 6 months , But i have said that i will write this letter and get my mentor to sign it but what does it exactly have include/say.



Any body


Health and safety will cover you. Target shooters get sound mods under H&S. If you've already lost your hearing and you risk damaging it further (Which you will) you need to have a sound mod.


What rifle have you put in for?

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thats what i said health and safety as above text.

rifles put in for .17



and firearms semi auto


Well I'd not like to be sat next to a either a .17 or a .243 without a sound mod on.


Do you have a doctor's note, or can you get one? If you can get that, you're sorted. However I can't see why he's making you do all this...

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I have checked the home office guide lines and none of it appears in them.

How do i find someone with the same feo.

harfordfmj is your feo peter taylor


I'm guessing you got the name mixed up, it's Greg Taylor. He's sound as a pound and looks after me and everyone else I know under his watch.


Best bet is to either start a thread, or someone on this thread will spot you or know someone who knows your FEO and message you.


I cannot imagine that a FEO will be ignorant to the safety aspect of shooting. It doesn't have to come under the guidelines. You're using a firearm which exceeds the maximum level of decibels which your ears can stand. One shot can deafen you instantly.


You can also claim you need the sound mod to reduce recoil. You'd be amazed at the difference a reflex mod will make on a centrefire.

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I'm guessing you got the name mixed up, it's Greg Taylor. He's sound as a pound and looks after me and everyone else I know under his watch.


Best bet is to either start a thread, or someone on this thread will spot you or know someone who knows your FEO and message you.


I cannot imagine that a FEO will be ignorant to the safety aspect of shooting. It doesn't have to come under the guidelines. You're using a firearm which exceeds the maximum level of decibels which your ears can stand. One shot can deafen you instantly.


You can also claim you need the sound mod to reduce recoil. You'd be amazed at the difference a reflex mod will make on a centrefire.



They claim 30 per cent less recoil when i checked earlier

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They claim 30 per cent less recoil when i checked earlier


..And the rest when one's on the end of a .270. My mate smashed his eye socket in when he first shot my rifle without a sound mod. I was more fussed about him knocking the scope off than the blood pouring from his eye...! There's a hell of a lot less recoil with the mod on it now.

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