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The bloke who was interviewed was saying that HE didnt want to see mixie as the suffering was terrible, and even harped on about bunnies being tasty, all very mixed messages. Any way following my Email to them why dont those have shown interest in joining me send an email stating your support for them and thier endevours and say you are part of this forum, insured etc. I know it might be along shot but worth a try

Follow this link to vindolanda site :lol::lol::lol:

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I think just turning up at night with no one supposedly knowing you are there and potting a few wabbits with the nv might class as poaching and a load of nasty firearms response units :lol:


Just a thought!  :lol:


FM :lol:

It's NOT how i meant the post


I meant IF i got spme form of permission and people kick off seeing people shooting bunnies then I could do it in the dark and no one would be the wiser. I didn't mean poaching. I have too much to lose if i was stupid enough to do that.


Lord Geordie

Edited by Lord Geordie
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