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Shooting Books and Sporting Gun Magazines


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Having a clear out all books are truly as new and hard back copies


1. The Book of The Woodcock by Colin Laurie McKelvie £20 + postage


2. Rough Shooting by Mike Swan £12 + postage


3. The Encyclophaedia of Sporting Shooting by Robin Marshall-Ball £20 + postage


4. The Game Shot by Mike Barnes £10 + postage


5. Modern Wildfowling by Eric Begbie £10 + postage (SOLD)


6. Fowling for Duck (A Guide to Successful Duck Flighting) by Mike Swan £15 + postage (SOLD)


7. A Concise Guide to Game Shooting by Michael Brander £8 + postage


8. Sporting Gun Magazines (110 copies in total) from 1985 to 1997 £20 the lot collected

Edited by blackbird
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I would like boks 5 and 6 please,5. Modern Wildfowling by Eric Begbie £10,6. Fowling for Duck (A Guide to Successful Duck Flighting) by Mike Swan.

If you could PM me postage cost for them it'd be much appreciated.

Cheers for now Mike...

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