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Logun Solo


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Mods, is this in the right place??


I've got use of a .22 Logun Solo, and have a spare slot for FAC .22.


Can these be FAC'd with relative ease? I know the normal answer of buying a FAC air rather than converting, but I'm not paying for the rifle, so any price below the price of a FAC PCP is a saving.


They have very long barrels, a good shot count, so I'd be interested in what I could get out of it.





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They're the same as the FX Typhoon, just re branded by Logun, you should be able to get about 30 shots at around 27FPE according to FX's website. Wind that down to about 20FPE and you should be able to get 40-50. :blush:



Thanks mate, will any RFD do this for me, or is there a FX specialist in the UK? I can only find a Swedish main website.

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