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the pelt man

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Hi Guys,


Went out Stalking for CWD and Muntjac in woodland myself and CP manage up MK way in Bedfordshire on Thursday just before Christmas Day.


We left home so we arrived at first light, there were no CWD's out in the field as we drove up to the wood, but that was no surprise as it was still covered in snow.

We got out the wagon and walked of to two of the high seats on the south side of the wood, hopeing that any Deer on the move would show themself where the Sun would be shinning a little later. As i crunched my way through the snow down the ride i flushed a Fox some 20 yards away, he ran of stopping 70 yards away but as i mounted my Tikka T3 .243 on the sticks he turned and ran of :lol: .I also moved on a couple of Hare laying up but was unable to get a shot of.


I finaly got to my high seat and sat there for about 3 hours when i got a call from CP that he had clocked a Monkey but was unable to bag him, a little later he then called again that he had started to walk about as the cold had got to him and that he had flushed a CWD and it was now heading my way :lol: .

A little later a Hare raced up through the wood and rushed past my high seat stopping 50 yards away, all i could see was his head just sticking out the side of a tree. I clicked the safety of and squeezed the trigger, which dropped the hare on the spot taking his head nearly clean of.

10 mins later i then saw a Fox through the trees on the other track 80 yards away, i stuck the crosshair on his chest and let a round of to which he yelped and ran away :lol: i climb down the high seat and went to the point of impact following the blood trail through the trees i found the Dog Fox dead 60 yards away with his liver hanging out the exit wound, how he managed to run on so far i will never know.

It was now getting late so i took a walk and a Hare ran past me stopping 30 yards away. i dropped him so CP had some meat to put on the table and met up with him back at the Wagon. CP saw 4 Deer but was unable to get any shots of :lol:

On boxing Day I took some Venison out the Freezer and made a Venison/Hare Goulash which turned out top notch :good: .


Cheers for reading

PELTMAN :good:


Edited by the pelt man
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