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Big Dog

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the way i post a pic is this,


1st i have photo shop so if you dont have that im not certain i can help you, but there are resizing tools around on the net.


2nd i open the image i want


3rd i also open a new blank file which is 600x500 pixles (i think)


4th i cut the original image from the page using the cut square tool and paste it onto the blank page


5th at this point the blank page is no where near the right size for the image, i now drag the corners of the image untill it all fits into the page. if for some reason it is out of proportion i use the crop tool once i have sorted out the size of the image (allowing the sides to overlap the blank page)


once this is done, i save it as a jpeg on about level 5 quality (i havent a clue what this means but it seems to work, and its on a scale of 12 :lol:


feel free to pm me if u get half way through doing this and get stuck :huh:

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I have no idea how to do that. I do have Adobe photo shop but don't know how to resize.


Guys I think I have found a way of posting photos without them being on the fourm.


Click on:



1. Go to (Browse)

2. Select the photo you want to post and click open

3. Then click (Host it) and wait for about 30 secs or so

4. Scrole down to the 8th address box which says (Direct link to images)

5. Highlight it

6. On you keyboard go Ctrl & C

7. Open the forum and post section you want and go Ctrl & V

8. Write your message and post as normal.


You won't see the photo but when forum guys click the link they will go straight to the picture.


Try it and let me know what you guys think.

:devil: :yp:

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Hi bigdog, that is a good way of doing it, to resize photos in photoshop what you do is open the photo, then at the top go along to IMAGE and from the menu select IMAGE SIZE you can then choose the number of pixels to make the image (or % of original size). When saving (to make it smaller) go to file SAVE FOR WEB and select JPEG high or medium quality. Hope that helps.

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