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Getting duck etc; to a stream

Guest Callum.

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Guest Callum.

Ok,at my nans farm we have a stream at the bottom of the bank.

Some areas have water that doesn't move.

My Grandad years ago tried feeding it but as far as i know it didn't work.

Every year I see a pair of Mallard on there,(Breeding pair I think)

IF i fed it do you think it would work?

The streams is only like a metre across but it goes on about 500metres long.




I would also like to know how it works.

It's about 3 miles or less from the River Wye so some come over,but I would like to know how they would be able to find it etc'

Also do you think there is a chance of geese coming ?

May I add smallish lake right next to my nan's that the stream runs into,there is plenty of duck on there but I think they are "pet" ones.

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Ok,at my nans farm we have a stream at the bottom of the bank.

Some areas have water that doesn't move.

My Grandad years ago tried feeding it but as far as i know it didn't work.

Every year I see a pair of Mallard on there,(Breeding pair I think)

IF i fed it do you think it would work?

The streams is only like a metre across but it goes on about 500metres long.


Whats the depth, give us the topograpgy of the bottom. shelving or suchlike.




I would also like to know how it works.

It's about 3 miles or less from the River Wye so some come over,but I would like to know how they would be able to find it etc'

Also do you think there is a chance of geese coming ?

May I add smallish lake right next to my nan's that the stream runs into,there is plenty of duck on there but I think they are "pet" ones.

You may need permission from the owner of the river to do this, and you may find that the waer is owned by the water board-- planning permission may be needed.



If you feed, feed barley in the shallows 8'' and less. feed more when its bieng taken, tame fowl and waterhens can scare wild duck off so beware.



Good luck





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I suspect your main problem is the stream is too narrow ( 1 M ) for the duck to feel safe to feed in at night. If you can try and make a wider piece of water by digging a pool or daming a section so the stream floods a low lying section. Shallows are impotant for feeding areas. Do not worrry about the waterhens they will not frighten off any duck. I see them sharing a pond with heeps of duck every day. But if you start to get a lot of waterhens they will take the food you intend for the duck.


As for attracting geese , they need open space and lots of it so unless you majke the stream much wider its unlikley they will come. However they will come to the open fields.

Edited by anser2
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Guest Callum.

Ok thanks.

At heavy rain it floods it all and i do have about 2 metres wide on one part,and another at about 5 metres which i think is unsuitable.

I'll ask my nan about digging it out abit.

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