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are they decoying

chris o

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hi all as title says? mr farmer has rang me this morning and asked if could get to the land this afternoon but had been busy taking the sister in law back home and didnt get home till late. but i am going in the morning and wonderd if they are decoying i will be shooting over winter rape.

i have never shot these fields before so also what is the best way to tackle the fields?


i have thought about spending a hour watching the fields and walk them no gun for a hour and see wat going on then get the gun out. so is it worth taking the deecs or leave them till the next time i go? thanks for reading and any advice given.

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It is worth walking the birds off the field just to make sure they come back and then you can work out their flightlines etc.


It is always worth taking your decoys because you might get lucky.


Some people have been picking up some good bags on the rape so it is worth ago, but even if you dont get many the main thing is you keep the birds off the field and make the farmer happy :good:

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