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Went out last night and christened the new As410k (HCK,C, or whatever letters come after it!)


Was a bit slow at first but as soon as the lamp came out it soon kicked off.

First shot of the evening was a kill. It was a revelation how quiet and easier to use the p.c.p. over the HW57. To be honest it was more of a difference than I expected and some of the sceptisim that I had was unfounded. Still nice to be proved wrong.


Second shot I fluffed :*) , which was a shame because there were two of them sitting in the garden that we are meant to be "protecting".


Third shot of the night was the most spectacular. It had run from one side of the lawn to the middle and was frozen in the lamp light. Aimed, squeezed.......... and nothing. I had misloaded (I was being to gentle with the bolt!) So with the rabbit still in the lamp I had to uncock the gun, remove the magazine and re-aim then fire. GOT IT!

That was more luck than judgement to be honest :blink:


Anyway left it at the two, after all there is only so many you can eat and headed on home. Not bad for an hour and a halfs work. (That's the sort of work I can get to like :( )

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