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Lab, hip score and eyes?

Guest rimotu66

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Guest rimotu66

Folks, I am looking for a Lab but keep seeing mention of hip scores and eyes etc, Ive got an idea what this means but can someone tell me in simple (cos I am) terms what I need to look out for, also anything else I might want to ask when I go to look at one..

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clear eye cert, I look for a hip score of below a total of 15. dont go for the shy pup.



swingtip gundogs


why not the shy pup? By shy do you mean reserved and not diving over everyone? In my opinion and experience, these make the best dogs for inexperienced trainers.

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clear eye cert, I look for a hip score of below a total of 15. dont go for the shy pup.



swingtip gundogs


The shy pup that you see when your there might have been the pup that was going nuts 5 minutes before you arrive and is just now tired <_<

Unless you spend alot of time there its hard to know the personality of the pups. Speak to the breeder, he/she spends alot of time with them and will know them best. Tell them what you want and they should advise :yes:


This is what I did and ended up with a top lab :good:

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Shy pups imho can be more difficult to train than a more bold pup just mho.




Just wanted to know your reasons so I can learn a bit more really. Why do you think that is? Do you think the bolder ones are more driven.....so prob better for trialling?


I like the chilled out pups.

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